Paste: portable.cmd

Author: mnestic
Mode: batch
Date: Wed, 29 Jul 2009 00:34:08
Plain Text |
:: portable cygwin setup

setlocal enabledelayedexpansion

set path=%path%;%CD%\cygwin\bin
set HOME=/home/awearn
set DISPLAY=localhost:0.0
rem set CYGWIN=tty
set SHELL=/bin/bash

(tasklist | find /i "xwin" 
echo %errorlevel%
if [!errorlevel!]==[0] goto :start_term)

%CD%\cygwin\bin\umount -c
%CD%\cygwin\bin\umount -A
%CD%\cygwin\bin\mount -fub "%CD%/cygwin/bin" "/usr/bin"
%CD%\cygwin\bin\mount -fub "%CD%/cygwin/lib" "/usr/lib"
%CD%\cygwin\bin\mount -fub "%TEMP%" "/tmp"
%CD%\cygwin\bin\mount -fub "%CD%/cygwin" "/"

if [%1]==[bash_only] start "cygwin" mintty -e bash --login -i

tasklist | findstr /i /C:screen.exe
if not errorlevel 1 start "cygwin" mintty -e bash --login -i -c "screen -x -U -h 10000 -aA" & goto :eof

start "cygwin" mintty -e bash --login -i -c "screen -U -h 10000 -aA -D -RR"


Annotation: cleanup

Author: mnestic
Mode: batch
Date: Fri, 31 Jul 2009 19:27:36
Plain Text |
:: portable cygwin setup

setlocal enabledelayedexpansion

:: be sure to mkdir /home/userdir once in bash so ~/ works.

set path=%path%;%CD%\cygwin\bin
set HOME=/home/userdir
set DISPLAY=localhost:0.0
set CYGWIN=ntsec tty
set SHELL=/bin/bash

%CD%\cygwin\bin\umount -c
%CD%\cygwin\bin\umount -A
%CD%\cygwin\bin\mount -fub "%CD%/cygwin/bin" "/usr/bin"
%CD%\cygwin\bin\mount -fub "%CD%/cygwin/lib" "/usr/lib"
%CD%\cygwin\bin\mount -fub "%TEMP%" "/tmp"
%CD%\cygwin\bin\mount -fub "%CD%/cygwin" "/"

if [%1]==[bash_only] start "cygwin" mintty -e bash --login -i

tasklist | findstr /i /C:screen.exe
if not errorlevel 1 start "cygwin" mintty -e bash --login -i -c "screen -x -U -h 10000 -aA" & endlocal & goto :eof

start "cygwin" mintty -e bash --login -i -c "screen -U -h 10000 -aA -D -RR"


Annotation: one last bug

Author: mnestic
Mode: batch
Date: Fri, 31 Jul 2009 20:37:35
Plain Text |
:: portable cygwin setup

setlocal enabledelayedexpansion

:: be sure to mkdir /home/userdir once in bash so ~/ works.

set path=%path%;%CD%\cygwin\bin
set HOME=/home/userdir
set DISPLAY=localhost:0.0
set CYGWIN=ntsec tty
set SHELL=/bin/bash

%CD%\cygwin\bin\umount -c
%CD%\cygwin\bin\umount -A
%CD%\cygwin\bin\mount -fub "%CD%/cygwin/bin" "/usr/bin"
%CD%\cygwin\bin\mount -fub "%CD%/cygwin/lib" "/usr/lib"
%CD%\cygwin\bin\mount -fub "%TEMP%" "/tmp"
%CD%\cygwin\bin\mount -fub "%CD%/cygwin" "/"

if [%1]==[bash_only] start "cygwin" mintty -e bash --login -i & endlocal & goto :eof

tasklist | findstr /i /C:screen.exe
if not errorlevel 1 start "cygwin" mintty -e bash --login -i -c "screen -x -U -h 10000 -aA" & endlocal & goto :eof

start "cygwin" mintty -e bash --login -i -c "screen -U -h 10000 -aA -D -RR"


New Annotation
