Paste: the tetris game
Author: | anon |
Mode: | factor |
Date: | Sun, 19 Apr 2009 18:11:38 |
Plain Text |
USING: accessors combinators kernel lists math math.functions sequences system tetris.board tetris.piece tetris.tetromino ;
TUPLE: tetris
{ board board }
{ pieces }
{ last-update integer initial: 0 }
{ rows integer initial: 0 }
{ score integer initial: 0 }
{ paused? initial: f }
{ running? initial: t } ;
CONSTANT: default-width 10
CONSTANT: default-height 20
: <tetris> ( width height -- tetris )
dupd <board> swap <piece-llist>
tetris new swap >>pieces swap >>board ;
: <default-tetris> ( -- tetris ) default-width default-height <tetris> ;
: <new-tetris> ( old -- new )
board>> [ width>> ] [ height>> ] bi <tetris> ;
: current-piece ( tetris -- piece ) pieces>> car ;
: next-piece ( tetris -- piece ) pieces>> cdr car ;
: toggle-pause ( tetris -- )
[ not ] change-paused? drop ;
: level>> ( tetris -- level )
rows>> 1+ 10 / ceiling ;
: update-interval ( tetris -- interval )
level>> 1- 60 * 1000 swap - ;
: add-block ( tetris block -- )
over board>> spin current-piece tetromino>> colour>> set-block ;
: game-over? ( tetris -- ? )
[ board>> ] [ next-piece ] bi piece-valid? not ;
: new-current-piece ( tetris -- tetris )
dup game-over? [
f >>running?
] [
[ cdr ] change-pieces
] if ;
: rows-score ( level n -- score )
{ 0 [ 0 ] }
{ 1 [ 40 ] }
{ 2 [ 100 ] }
{ 3 [ 300 ] }
{ 4 [ 1200 ] }
} case swap 1+ * ;
: add-score ( tetris n-rows -- tetris )
over level>> swap rows-score swap [ + ] change-score ;
: add-rows ( tetris rows -- tetris )
swap [ + ] change-rows ;
: score-rows ( tetris n -- )
[ add-score ] keep add-rows drop ;
: lock-piece ( tetris -- )
[ dup current-piece piece-blocks [ add-block ] with each ] keep
new-current-piece dup board>> check-rows score-rows ;
: can-rotate? ( tetris -- ? )
[ board>> ] [ current-piece clone 1 rotate-piece ] bi piece-valid? ;
: (rotate) ( inc tetris -- )
dup can-rotate? [ current-piece swap rotate-piece drop ] [ 2drop ] if ;
: rotate-left ( tetris -- ) -1 swap (rotate) ;
: rotate-right ( tetris -- ) 1 swap (rotate) ;
: can-move? ( tetris move -- ? )
[ drop board>> ] [ [ current-piece clone ] dip move-piece ] 2bi piece-valid? ;
: tetris-move ( tetris move -- ? )
2dup can-move? [
[ current-piece ] dip move-piece drop t
] [
2drop f
] if ;
: move-left ( tetris -- ) { -1 0 } tetris-move drop ;
: move-right ( tetris -- ) { 1 0 } tetris-move drop ;
: move-down ( tetris -- )
dup { 0 1 } tetris-move [ drop ] [ lock-piece ] if ;
: move-drop ( tetris -- )
dup { 0 1 } tetris-move [ move-drop ] [ lock-piece ] if ;
: update ( tetris -- )
millis over last-update>> -
over update-interval > [
dup move-down
millis >>last-update
] when drop ;
: ?update ( tetris -- )
dup [ paused?>> ] [ running?>> not ] bi or [ drop ] [ update ] if ;
Author: | anon |
Mode: | factor |
Date: | Sun, 19 Apr 2009 18:14:00 |
Plain Text |
USING: accessors arrays kernel math sequences tetris.piece ;
IN: tetris.board
TUPLE: board { width integer } { height integer } rows ;
: make-rows ( width height -- rows )
[ drop f <array> ] with map ;
: <board> ( width height -- board )
2dup make-rows board boa ;
: board@block ( board block -- n row )
[ second swap rows>> nth ] keep first swap ;
: set-block ( board block colour -- ) -rot board@block set-nth ;
: block ( board block -- colour ) board@block nth ;
: block-free? ( board block -- ? ) block not ;
: block-in-bounds? ( board block -- ? )
[ first swap width>> bounds-check? ] 2keep
second swap height>> bounds-check? and ;
: location-valid? ( board block -- ? )
2dup block-in-bounds? [ block-free? ] [ 2drop f ] if ;
: piece-valid? ( board piece -- ? )
piece-blocks [ location-valid? ] with all? ;
: row-not-full? ( row -- ? ) f swap member? ;
: add-row ( board -- board )
dup rows>> over width>> f <array> prefix >>rows ;
: top-up-rows ( board -- )
dup height>> over rows>> length = [
] [
add-row top-up-rows
] if ;
: remove-full-rows ( board -- board )
[ [ row-not-full? ] filter ] change-rows ;
: check-rows ( board -- n )
remove-full-rows dup height>> over rows>> length - swap top-up-rows ;
Author: | anon |
Mode: | factor |
Date: | Sun, 19 Apr 2009 18:14:25 |
Plain Text |
USING: accessors arrays combinators kernel math math.vectors
namespaces opengl sequences tetris.board
tetris.piece ui.render tetris.tetromino ui.gadgets colors ;
: draw-block ( block -- )
{ 1 1 } gl-fill-rect ;
: draw-piece-blocks ( piece -- )
piece-blocks [ draw-block ] each ;
: draw-piece ( piece -- )
dup tetromino>> colour>> gl-color draw-piece-blocks ;
: draw-next-piece ( piece -- )
dup tetromino>> colour>>
>rgba-components drop 0.2 <rgba> gl-color draw-piece-blocks ;
: (draw-row) ( x y row -- )
[ over ] dip nth dup
[ gl-color 2array draw-block ] [ 3drop ] if ;
: draw-row ( y row -- )
dup length -rot [ (draw-row) ] 2curry each ;
: draw-board ( board -- )
rows>> dup length swap
[ dupd nth draw-row ] curry each ;
: scale-board ( width height board -- )
[ width>> ] [ height>> ] bi swapd [ / ] dup 2bi* 1 glScalef ;
: draw-tetris ( width height tetris -- )
[ board>> scale-board ]
[ board>> draw-board ]
[ next-piece draw-next-piece ]
[ current-piece draw-piece ]
} cleave
] do-matrix ;
Author: | anon |
Mode: | factor |
Date: | Sun, 19 Apr 2009 18:14:42 |
Plain Text |
USING: accessors arrays kernel math math.vectors sequences tetris.tetromino lists.lazy ;
IN: tetris.piece
TUPLE: piece
{ tetromino tetromino }
{ rotation integer initial: 0 }
{ location array initial: { 0 0 } } ;
: <piece> ( tetromino -- piece )
piece new swap >>tetromino ;
: (piece-blocks) ( piece -- blocks )
[ rotation>> ] [ tetromino>> states>> ] bi nth ;
: piece-blocks ( piece -- blocks )
[ (piece-blocks) ] [ location>> ] bi [ v+ ] curry map ;
: piece-width ( piece -- width )
piece-blocks blocks-width ;
: set-start-location ( piece board-width -- piece )
over piece-width [ 2 /i ] bi@ - 0 2array >>location ;
: <random-piece> ( board-width -- piece )
random-tetromino <piece> swap set-start-location ;
: <piece-llist> ( board-width -- llist )
[ [ <random-piece> ] curry ] keep [ <piece-llist> ] curry lazy-cons ;
: modulo ( n m -- n )
tuck mod over + swap mod ;
: (rotate-piece) ( rotation inc n-states -- rotation' )
[ + ] dip modulo ;
: rotate-piece ( piece inc -- piece )
over tetromino>> states>> length
[ (rotate-piece) ] 2curry change-rotation ;
: move-piece ( piece move -- piece )
[ v+ ] curry change-location ;
Author: | anon |
Mode: | factor |
Date: | Sun, 19 Apr 2009 18:15:02 |
Plain Text |
USING: accessors alarms arrays calendar kernel make math math.rectangles math.parser namespaces sequences system ui.gadgets ui.gadgets.labels ui.gadgets.worlds ui.gadgets.status-bar ui.gestures ui.render ui ;
IN: tetris
TUPLE: tetris-gadget < gadget { tetris tetris } { alarm } ;
: <tetris-gadget> ( tetris -- gadget )
tetris-gadget new swap >>tetris ;
M: tetris-gadget pref-dim* drop { 200 400 } ;
: update-status ( gadget -- )
dup tetris>> [
"Level: " % dup level>> #
" Score: " % score>> #
] "" make swap show-status ;
M: tetris-gadget draw-gadget* ( gadget -- )
[ dim>> first2 ] [ tetris>> ] bi draw-tetris
] keep update-status ;
: new-tetris ( gadget -- gadget )
[ <new-tetris> ] change-tetris ;
tetris-gadget H{
{ T{ button-down f f 1 } [ request-focus ] }
{ T{ key-down f f "UP" } [ tetris>> rotate-right ] }
{ T{ key-down f f "d" } [ tetris>> rotate-left ] }
{ T{ key-down f f "f" } [ tetris>> rotate-right ] }
{ T{ key-down f f "e" } [ tetris>> rotate-left ] }
{ T{ key-down f f "u" } [ tetris>> rotate-right ] }
{ T{ key-down f f "LEFT" } [ tetris>> move-left ] }
{ T{ key-down f f "RIGHT" } [ tetris>> move-right ] }
{ T{ key-down f f "DOWN" } [ tetris>> move-down ] }
{ T{ key-down f f " " } [ tetris>> move-drop ] }
{ T{ key-down f f "p" } [ tetris>> toggle-pause ] }
{ T{ key-down f f "n" } [ new-tetris drop ] }
} set-gestures
: tick ( gadget -- )
[ tetris>> ?update ] [ relayout-1 ] bi ;
M: tetris-gadget graft* ( gadget -- )
[ [ tick ] curry 100 milliseconds every ] keep (>>alarm) ;
M: tetris-gadget ungraft* ( gadget -- )
[ cancel-alarm f ] change-alarm drop ;
: tetris-window ( -- )
<default-tetris> <tetris-gadget>
"Tetris" open-status-window
] with-ui ;
MAIN: tetris-window
Author: | anon |
Mode: | factor |
Date: | Sun, 19 Apr 2009 18:15:19 |
Plain Text |
USING: kernel arrays namespaces sequences math math.order
math.vectors colors colors.constants random ;
IN: tetris.tetromino
TUPLE: tetromino states colour ;
C: <tetromino> tetromino
SYMBOL: tetrominoes
{ {
{ 0 0 } { 1 0 } { 2 0 } { 3 0 }
{ { 0 0 }
{ 0 1 }
{ 0 2 }
{ 0 3 }
} COLOR: cyan
] [
{ { 1 0 }
{ 0 1 } { 1 1 } { 2 1 }
} {
{ 0 0 }
{ 0 1 } { 1 1 }
{ 0 2 }
} {
{ 0 0 } { 1 0 } { 2 0 }
{ 1 1 }
} {
{ 1 0 }
{ 0 1 } { 1 1 }
{ 1 2 }
} COLOR: purple
] [
{ { { 0 0 } { 1 0 }
{ 0 1 } { 1 1 } }
} COLOR: yellow
] [
{ { 0 0 } { 1 0 } { 2 0 }
{ 0 1 }
} {
{ 0 0 } { 1 0 }
{ 1 1 }
{ 1 2 }
} {
{ 2 0 }
{ 0 1 } { 1 1 } { 2 1 }
} {
{ 0 0 }
{ 0 1 }
{ 0 2 } { 1 2 }
} COLOR: orange
] [
{ { 0 0 } { 1 0 } { 2 0 }
{ 2 1 }
} {
{ 1 0 }
{ 1 1 }
{ 0 2 } { 1 2 }
} {
{ 0 0 }
{ 0 1 } { 1 1 } { 2 1 }
} {
{ 0 0 } { 1 0 }
{ 0 1 }
{ 0 2 }
} COLOR: blue
] [
{ { 1 0 } { 2 0 }
{ 0 1 } { 1 1 }
} {
{ 0 0 }
{ 0 1 } { 1 1 }
{ 1 2 }
} COLOR: green
] [
{ 0 0 } { 1 0 }
{ 1 1 } { 2 1 }
} {
{ 1 0 }
{ 0 1 } { 1 1 }
{ 0 2 }
} COLOR: red
} [ first2 <tetromino> ] map tetrominoes set-global
: random-tetromino ( -- tetromino )
tetrominoes get random ;
: blocks-max ( blocks quot -- max )
map [ 1+ ] [ max ] map-reduce ; inline
: blocks-width ( blocks -- width )
[ first ] blocks-max ;
: blocks-height ( blocks -- height )
[ second ] blocks-max ;
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