Paste: My attempt at AOC day 3
Author: | Leo Mehraban |
Mode: | factor |
Date: | Wed, 4 Dec 2024 21:47:41 |
Plain Text |
TUPLE: parser tex ind res enabled? ;
: when% ( ? quot -- ? ) [ f ] if ; inline
: <parser> ( tex -- parser ) CHAR: \0 suffix 0 0 t parser boa ;
: parser-cur ( parser -- val ) [ ind>> ] [ tex>> ] bi nth ;
: can-continue? ( parser -- ? ) [ ind>> 1 + ] [ tex>> ] bi bounds-check? ;
: parser-next ( parser -- parser ) [ 1 + ] change-ind ;
: run-and-reset ( ..a parser quot: ( ..a parser -- ..b parser ? ) -- ..b parser parsed? ) over clone [ call ] dip [ swapd ? ] keepd ; inline
: match-string ( parser string -- parser parsed? ) t
[ [ length 0 > ] dip and ] 2check
drop unclip swap
[ dup parser-cur ] dip =
] dip swap
[ parser-next ] 2dip
] [ f ] if*
] while nip ;
: match-number ( parser -- parser number/f ) [ [ dup [ can-continue? ] [ parser-cur digit? ] bi and ] [ dup parser-cur , parser-next ] while ] "" make dec> ;
: match-character ( parser char -- parser parsed? ) [ dup parser-cur ] dip = [ parser-next t ] when% ;
: parse-mul ( parser -- parser )
"mul(" match-string
match-number dup
[ CHAR: , match-character ] dip swap
[ match-number ] dip swap [
* [ CHAR: right-parenthesis match-character ] dip swap [ [ + ] curry change-res ] [ drop ] if
] [ drop ] if*
] [ drop ] if
] [ drop ] if
] when ;
: mul-parse ( parser -- parser ) [ dup can-continue? ] [ dup parser-cur CHAR: m = [ parse-mul ] [ parser-next ] if ] while ;
: solve-day-three ( string -- result ) <parser> mul-parse res>> ;
: parse-dodont-or-other ( parser -- parser )
[ "do()" match-string ] run-and-reset
[ t >>enabled? ]
[ "don't()" match-string [ f >>enabled? ] [ parser-next ] if ] if
: dodont-parse ( parser -- parser ) [ dup can-continue? ] [ dup [ enabled?>> ] [ parser-cur CHAR: m = ] bi and [ parse-mul ] [ parse-dodont-or-other ] if ] while ;
: solve-day-three-part-two ( string -- result ) <parser> dodont-parse res>> ;
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