Paste: AoC 2023 day1

Author: fred
Mode: factor
Date: Tue, 5 Dec 2023 02:04:26
Plain Text |
! Copyright (C) 2023 Fred Alger
! See for BSD license.
USING: accessors arrays assocs calendar db db.sqlite db.tuples
db.types documents fry io.pathnames kernel math math.parser
namespaces peg.ebnf prettyprint sequences sequences.deep
sequences.extras splitting strings ui.clipboards unicode urls
vectors webbrowser ;
IN: advent2023

! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
! database for puzzle inputs
! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
TUPLE: puzzle-input id day stage input ;
puzzle-input "PUZZLE_INPUTS"
    { "id" "ID" +db-assigned-id+ }
    { "day" "DAY" INTEGER }
    { "stage" "STAGE" INTEGER }
    { "input" "INPUT" VARCHAR }
} define-persistent

: inputs-database-path ( -- path )
 "work/advent2023" resource-path
 "advent2023.sqlite" append-path ;

: <db> ( -- db ) inputs-database-path <sqlite-db> ;

: with-puzzle-input ( quot -- )
  '[ <db> _ with-db ] call ; inline

: save-input ( day stage input -- )
   puzzle-input new swap >>input
   swap >>stage
   swap >>day
   [ puzzle-input ensure-table insert-tuple ] curry with-puzzle-input ;

: get-input ( day stage -- str )
  puzzle-input new swap >>stage
  swap >>day
  [ puzzle-input ensure-table select-tuple input>> ] curry with-puzzle-input ;

! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
! interactive tools
! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

: clip> ( -- str )
   clipboard get-global clipboard-contents ;

: (advent-now) ( -- day ) now day>> number>string ;

: (www-path) ( -- url )
 "" (advent-now) url-append-path ;

: (inputs-path) ( -- url )
 "" (advent-now) "inputs" url-append-path url-append-path ;

: open-www ( -- )
  (www-path) open-item ;

: open-input-www ( -- )
 (inputs-path) open-item ;

! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
! day 1
! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
! one line of input is "abc3oaeu9aoejud9ab" 
! find first and last digit (there may be only 1 digit), that's the checksum
! sum up all lines and that's the calibration value

: .d1-first-digit ( line -- n )
  [ digit? ] find nip ;

: .d1-last-digit ( line -- n )
  [ digit? ] find-last nip ;

: 2num ( ch ch -- num )
  2array >string string>number ;

: .d1-line ( line -- val )
  [ .d1-first-digit ] 
  [ .d1-last-digit ] bi
  2num ;

: .d1-run ( input -- )
  string-lines [ .d1-line ] map-sum . ;

: words>nums ( str -- str ) EBNF[=[ 
one="one" => [[ drop CHAR: 1 ]]
two="two" => [[ drop CHAR: 2 ]]
three="three" => [[ drop CHAR: 3 ]]
four="four" => [[ drop CHAR: 4 ]]
five="five" => [[ drop CHAR: 5 ]]
six="six" => [[ drop CHAR: 6 ]]
seven="seven" => [[ drop CHAR: 7 ]]
eight="eight" => [[ drop CHAR: 8 ]]
nine="nine" => [[ drop CHAR: 9 ]]
]=] >string ;

: words>nums-reverse ( str -- str ) EBNF[=[ 
one="eno" => [[ drop CHAR: 1 ]]
two="owt" => [[ drop CHAR: 2 ]]
three="eerht" => [[ drop CHAR: 3 ]]
four="ruof" => [[ drop CHAR: 4 ]]
five="evif" => [[ drop CHAR: 5 ]]
six="xis" => [[ drop CHAR: 6 ]]
seven="neves" => [[ drop CHAR: 7 ]]
eight="thgie" => [[ drop CHAR: 8 ]]
nine="enin" => [[ drop CHAR: 9 ]]
]=] >string ;

! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
! day 2
! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

: .d1.2-line ( line -- val )
  [ words>nums .d1-first-digit ]
  [ reverse words>nums-reverse reverse .d1-last-digit ] bi

: .d1.2-run ( input -- )
  string-lines [ .d1.2-line ] map-sum . ;

: d2.1-run ( -- )
  2 1 get-input . ;

New Annotation
