Paste: openssl dll test in C

Author: erg
Mode: c
Date: Sat, 22 Apr 2023 02:07:07
Plain Text |
#include <stdio.h>
#include <windows.h>

// Function pointer typedef for the DLL function
typedef void* (*DLL_FUNC_T1)();
typedef void* (*DLL_FUNC_CTX_NEW)(DLL_FUNC_T1);
typedef void* (*DLL_FUNC_CTX_FREE)(DLL_FUNC_T1);
typedef void* (*DLL_FUNC_SSL_NEW)(void*);
typedef void* (*DLL_FUNC_SSL_FREE)(void*);
typedef char* (*DLL_FUNC_SSL_STRING)(void*);
typedef int   (*DLL_FUNC_SSL_WANT)(void*);

int main() {
    // Load the DLL
    HINSTANCE hinstLib = LoadLibrary(TEXT("libssl-3-x64.dll"));
    if (hinstLib == NULL) {
        printf("Failed to load DLL\n");
        return 1;

    // Get a pointer to the DLL function
    DLL_FUNC_T1 fnT1 = (DLL_FUNC_T1)GetProcAddress(hinstLib, "TLSv1_client_method");
    if (fnT1 == NULL) { printf("Failed to get function from DLL\n"); return 1; }
    DLL_FUNC_CTX_NEW fnCTXNew = (DLL_FUNC_CTX_NEW)GetProcAddress(hinstLib, "SSL_CTX_new");
    if (fnCTXNew == NULL) { printf("Failed to get function from DLL\n"); return 2; }
    // DLL_FUNC_CTX_FREE fnCTXFree = (DLL_FUNC_CTX_FREE)GetProcAddress(hinstLib, "SSL_CTX_free");
    // if (fnCTXFree == NULL) { printf("Failed to get function from DLL\n"); return 3; }

    DLL_FUNC_SSL_NEW fnSSLNew = (DLL_FUNC_SSL_NEW)GetProcAddress(hinstLib, "SSL_new");
    if (fnSSLNew == NULL) { printf("Failed to get function from DLL\n"); return 4; }
    // DLL_FUNC_SSL_FREE fnSSLFree = (DLL_FUNC_SSL_FREE)GetProcAddress(hinstLib, "SSL_free");
    // if (fnSSLFree == NULL) { printf("Failed to get function from DLL\n"); return 5; }

    DLL_FUNC_SSL_STRING fnSSLString = (DLL_FUNC_SSL_STRING)GetProcAddress(hinstLib, "SSL_rstate_string_long");
    if (fnSSLString == NULL) { printf("Failed to get function from DLL\n"); return 6; }

    DLL_FUNC_SSL_WANT fnSSLWant = (DLL_FUNC_SSL_WANT)GetProcAddress(hinstLib, "SSL_want");
    if (fnSSLWant == NULL) { printf("Failed to get function from DLL\n"); return 6; }

  printf("ssl state 1\n");
  void *method = fnT1();
  printf("ssl state 1.1\n");
    void *ptr1 = fnCTXNew(method);
  printf("ssl state 2\n");
    void *ptr2 = fnSSLNew(ptr1);

  printf("ssl state 3\n");
    void *ctx = printf("ssl state %s\n", fnSSLString(ptr2));
    printf("ssl state %d\n", fnSSLWant(ptr2));

    //SSL_CTX_new &SSL_CTX_free

    // Call the DLL function
    // int result = dllFunc(42);
    // printf("DLL function returned: %d\n", result);

    // Free the DLL

    return 0;

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