Paste: aoc days 1&2

Author: yotes
Mode: factor
Date: Fri, 9 Dec 2022 22:32:13
Plain Text |
! Copyright (C) 2022 Mel Coyote.
! See for BSD license.
USING: arrays circular io io.encodings.utf8 io.files
io.pathnames kernel math math.order math.parser prettyprint
sequences sorting splitting vocabs.metadata.resources words multiline ;
IN: mutt.aoc2022

: day ( -- ) ;
: lookup-word* ( name -- word )
    "mutt.aoc2022" lookup-word ; inline
: get-input-path ( num -- path )  
    [ vocab-resource-files nth ]
    [ vocab-dir-in-root ] bi prepend-path ;
: get-input      ( num -- lines )
    get-input-path utf8 file-lines ;
:: run ( num -- ) 
    num [ number>string "d" prepend [ "-p1" append ] [ "-p2" append ] bi 2array ] 
        [ get-input ] bi :> input :> words
    words [ lookup-word* [ input ] dip 
            [ [ num number>string "d" prepend lookup-word* execute ] dip execute ] curry 
            call( input -- result ) ] map first2 :> part2 :> part1
    "Part 1 result: " write part1 .
    "Part 2 result: " write part2 . ; inline

! DAY 1:
: d1 ( i -- i' )
    "" 1array split
    [ [ string>number ] map-sum ] map
    [ >=< ] sort ;
: d1-p1 ( i -- r ) first ;
: d1-p2 ( i -- r ) 3 head sum ;

! DAY 2:
: rotate ( n seq -- seq' )
    dup -rot <circular> swap
    neg over change-circular-start swap 
    like ;
: parse-rps-inputs ( opponent player -- opponent' player' )
    [ first ] bi@
    [ CHAR: A - ] [ CHAR: X - ] bi* ;
: rps ( opponent player -- score ) ! play game of rock paper scissors and get score
    dup -rot
    { 3 0 6 } rotate 
    nth ?1+ + ;
: get-move ( opponent outcome -- opponent player )
    neg over swap { 2 0 1 } rotate nth ;

: d2    ( i -- i' )
    [ " " split ] map ;
: d2-p1 ( i -- r )
    [ first2 parse-rps-inputs rps ] map-sum ;
: d2-p2 ( i -- r ) 
    [ first2 parse-rps-inputs get-move rps ] map-sum ;

New Annotation
