Paste: hosey75432
Author: | Brandon M. Gerson |
Mode: | java |
Date: | Mon, 12 Mar 2012 01:23:33 |
Plain Text |
import java.util.*;
public class TicTacToe
static int NumWins = 0;
static int NumLosses = 0;
static int NumDraws = 0;
public static void main (String[] args)
int response = 1;
while ( response == 1 )
int SquaresRemaining = 9;
int SquareNumber[] = new int[10];
for ( int i = 1; i < SquareNumber.length; i++ )
SquareNumber[i] = i;
System.out.printf ( "%2d", i);
if ( i%3 == 0 )
System.out.println ();
System.out.println ("Welcome to Tic-Tac-Toe. ");
System.out.println ("First player to place three markers in the same column, row, or diagonal wins.");
System.out.println ("Enter the square number to submit your move when prompted.");
System.out.println ();
System.out.println ( "New Game: " );
String Square[] = new String[10];
TicTacToeMethods obj1 = new TicTacToeMethods();
TicTacToeMethods obj2 = new TicTacToeMethods();
TicTacToeMethods obj3 = new TicTacToeMethods();
Scanner input = new Scanner (;
Scanner input2 = new Scanner ( );
int x = 0;
int y = 0;
int DrawCounter = 0;
while (SquaresRemaining > 0)
if (SquaresRemaining % 2 == 1)
System.out.println ("Enter your move (square number): ");
x = input.nextInt();
if (x >= 1 && x <= 9)
if ( Square[x] == null )
Square[x] = obj1.Markers(x, SquaresRemaining);
SquaresRemaining -= 1;
DrawCounter ++;
System.out.println ("Square unavailable. Enter an open square: ");
System.out.println ("Square unavailable. Enter an open square: ");
for (int i = 1; i < Square.length; i++)
if ( Square[i] == null )
System.out.printf ("%2s", " ");
System.out.printf ("%2s", Square[i]);
if ( i%3 == 0 )
if ( SquaresRemaining % 2 == 0 )
for ( int z = 0; z <= 2; z++ )
if ( !(Square[z*3+1] == "X" && Square[z*3+2] == "X" && Square [z*3+3] == "X") && !(Square [1+z] == "X" && Square [4+z] == "X" && Square [7+z] == "X") && !(Square [1] == "X" && Square [5] == "X" && Square [9] == "X") && !(Square [3] == "X" && Square [5] == "X" && Square [7] == "X") )
y = obj2.ComputerLogic( Square );
Square[y] = obj2.Markers(y, SquaresRemaining);
System.out.println ("Computer's move: ");
for (int i = 1; i < Square.length; i++)
if ( Square[i] == null )
System.out.printf ("%2s", " ");
System.out.printf ("%2s", Square[i]);
if ( i%3 == 0 )
SquaresRemaining -= 1;
for ( int i = 0; i <= 2; i++ )
if ( Square[i*3+1] == "X" && Square[i*3+2] == "X" && Square [i*3+3] == "X" )
SquaresRemaining = 0;
NumWins ++;
System.out.printf ( "%5s: %3d %5s: %3d %5s %3s\n", "Wins: ", NumWins, "Losses: ", NumLosses, "Draws: ", NumDraws );
System.out.println ( "Player wins. Enter 1 to play again, 0 to quit: " );
response = input2.nextInt();
if ( response == 1 | response == 0 )
System.out.println ( "Not a valid choice. Enter 1 to play again, 0 to quit: " );
response = input2.nextInt();
else if ( Square [1+i] == "X" && Square [4+i] == "X" && Square [7+i] == "X" )
SquaresRemaining = 0;
NumWins ++;
System.out.printf ( "%5s: %3d %5s: %3d %5s %3s\n", "Wins: ", NumWins, "Losses: ", NumLosses, "Draws: ", NumDraws );
System.out.println ( "Player wins. Enter 1 to play again, 0 to quit: " );
response = input2.nextInt();
if ( response == 1 | response == 0 )
System.out.println ( "Not a valid choice. Enter 1 to play again, 0 to quit: " );
response = input2.nextInt();
else if ( Square [1] == "X" && Square [5] == "X" && Square [9] == "X" )
SquaresRemaining = 0;
NumWins ++;
System.out.printf ( "%5s: %3d %5s: %3d %5s %3s\n", "Wins: ", NumWins, "Losses: ", NumLosses, "Draws: ", NumDraws );
System.out.println ( "Player wins. Enter 1 to play again, 0 to quit: " );
response = input2.nextInt();
if ( response == 1 | response == 0 )
System.out.println ( "Not a valid choice. Enter 1 to play again, 0 to quit: " );
response = input2.nextInt();
else if ( Square [3] == "X" && Square [5] == "X" && Square [7] == "X" )
SquaresRemaining = 0;
NumWins ++;
System.out.printf ( "%5s: %3d %5s: %3d %5s %3s\n", "Wins: ", NumWins, "Losses: ", NumLosses, "Draws: ", NumDraws );
System.out.println ( "Player wins. Enter 1 to play again, 0 to quit: " );
response = input2.nextInt();
if ( response == 1 | response == 0 )
System.out.println ( "Not a valid choice. Enter 1 to play again, 0 to quit: " );
response = input2.nextInt();
for ( int j = 0; j <= 2; j++ )
if ( Square[j*3+1] == "O" && Square[j*3+2] == "O" && Square [j*3+3] == "O" )
SquaresRemaining = 0;
NumLosses ++;
System.out.printf ( "%5s: %3d %5s: %3d %5s %3s\n", "Wins: ", NumWins, "Losses: ", NumLosses, "Draws: ", NumDraws );
System.out.println ( "Computer wins. Enter 1 to play again, 0 to quit: " );
response = input2.nextInt();
if ( response == 1 | response == 0 )
System.out.println ( "Not a valid choice. Enter 1 to play again, 0 to quit: " );
response = input2.nextInt();
else if ( Square [1+j] == "O" && Square [4+j] == "O" && Square [7+j] == "O" )
SquaresRemaining = 0;
NumLosses ++;
System.out.printf ( "%5s: %3d %5s: %3d %5s %3s\n", "Wins: ", NumWins, "Losses: ", NumLosses, "Draws: ", NumDraws );
System.out.println ( "Computer wins. Enter 1 to play again, 0 to quit: " );
response = input2.nextInt();
if ( response == 1 | response == 0 )
System.out.println ( "Not a valid choice. Enter 1 to play again, 0 to quit: " );
response = input2.nextInt();
else if ( Square [1] == "O" && Square [5] == "O" && Square [9] == "O" )
SquaresRemaining = 0;
NumLosses ++;
System.out.printf ( "%5s: %3d %5s: %3d %5s %3s\n", "Wins: ", NumWins, "Losses: ", NumLosses, "Draws: ", NumDraws );
System.out.println ( "Computer wins. Enter 1 to play again, 0 to quit: " );
response = input2.nextInt();
if ( response == 1 | response == 0 )
System.out.println ( "Not a valid choice. Enter 1 to play again, 0 to quit: " );
response = input2.nextInt();
else if ( Square [3] == "O" && Square [5] == "O" && Square [7] == "O" )
SquaresRemaining = 0;
NumLosses ++;
System.out.printf ( "%5s: %3d %5s: %3d %5s %3s\n", "Wins: ", NumWins, "Losses: ", NumLosses, "Draws: ", NumDraws );
System.out.println ( "Computer wins. Enter 1 to play again, 0 to quit: " );
response = input2.nextInt();
if ( response == 1 | response == 0 )
System.out.println ( "Not a valid choice. Enter 1 to play again, 0 to quit: " );
response = input2.nextInt();
if ( DrawCounter == 5 )
NumDraws ++;
System.out.printf ( "%5s: %3d %5s: %3d %5s %3s\n", "Wins: ", NumWins, "Losses: ", NumLosses, "Draws: ", NumDraws );
System.out.println ( "Draw. Enter 1 to play again, 0 to quit: " );
response = input2.nextInt();
if ( response == 1 | response == 0 )
System.out.println ( "Not a valid choice. Enter 1 to play again, 0 to quit: " );
response = input2.nextInt();
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