Paste: extra\webapps\blogs

Author: jim
Mode: factor
Date: Mon, 8 Nov 2010 07:09:09
Plain Text |
! Copyright (C) 2008 Slava Pestov
! See for BSD license.
USING: accessors calendar db db.sqlite db.tuples db.types fry
furnace furnace.actions furnace.alloy furnace.auth
furnace.auth.login furnace.boilerplate furnace.redirection
furnace.syndication html.components html.forms http.server
http.server.dispatchers io.directories io.pathnames kernel
logging math.order math.parser namespaces present sequences
sorting threads urls validators ;
IN: webapps.blogs

TUPLE: blogs < dispatcher ;

SYMBOL: can-administer-blogs?

can-administer-blogs? define-capability

: view-post-url ( id -- url )
    present "$blogs/post/" prepend >url ;

: view-comment-url ( parent id -- url )
    [ view-post-url ] dip >>anchor ;

: list-posts-url ( -- url )
    "$blogs/" >url ;

: posts-by-url ( author -- url )
    "$blogs/by/" prepend >url ;

TUPLE: entity id author date content ;

GENERIC: entity-url ( entity -- url )

M: entity feed-entry-url entity-url ;

entity "entity" {
    { "id" "ID" INTEGER +db-assigned-id+ }
    { "author" "AUTHOR" { VARCHAR 256 } +not-null+ } ! uid
    { "date" "DATE" TIMESTAMP +not-null+ }
    { "content" "CONTENT" TEXT +not-null+ }
} define-persistent

M: entity feed-entry-date date>> ;

TUPLE: post < entity title comments ;

M: post feed-entry-title
    [ author>> ] [ title>> ] bi ": " glue ;

M: post entity-url
    id>> view-post-url ;

\ post "BLOG_POSTS" {
    { "title" "TITLE" { VARCHAR 256 } +not-null+ }
} define-persistent

: <post> ( id -- post ) \ post new swap >>id ;

TUPLE: comment < entity parent ;

comment "COMMENTS" {
    { "parent" "PARENT" INTEGER +not-null+ } ! post id
} define-persistent

M: comment feed-entry-title
    author>> "Comment by " prepend ;

M: comment entity-url
    [ parent>> ] [ id>> ] bi view-comment-url ;

: <comment> ( parent id -- post )
    comment new
        swap >>id
        swap >>parent ;

: post ( id -- post )
    [ <post> select-tuple ] [ f <comment> select-tuples ] bi
    >>comments ;

: reverse-chronological-order ( seq -- sorted )
    [ date>> ] inv-sort-with ;

: validate-author ( -- )
    { { "author" [ v-username ] } } validate-params ;

: list-posts ( -- posts )
    f <post> "author" value >>author
    select-tuples [ dup id>> f <comment> count-tuples >>comments ] map
    reverse-chronological-order ;

: <list-posts-action> ( -- action )
        [ list-posts "posts" set-value ] >>init
        { blogs "list-posts" } >>template ;

: <list-posts-feed-action> ( -- action )
        [ "Recent Posts" ] >>title
        [ list-posts ] >>entries
        [ list-posts-url ] >>url ;

: <posts-by-action> ( -- action )

        "author" >>rest

            list-posts "posts" set-value
        ] >>init

        { blogs "posts-by" } >>template ;

: <posts-by-feed-action> ( -- action )
        "author" >>rest
        [ validate-author ] >>init
        [ "Recent Posts by " "author" value append ] >>title
        [ list-posts ] >>entries
        [ "author" value posts-by-url ] >>url ;

: <post-feed-action> ( -- action )
        "id" >>rest
        [ validate-integer-id "id" value post "post" set-value ] >>init
        [ "post" value feed-entry-title ] >>title
        [ "post" value entity-url ] >>url
        [ "post" value comments>> ] >>entries ;

: <view-post-action> ( -- action )

        "id" >>rest

            "id" value post from-object

            "id" value
            "new-comment" [
                "parent" set-value
            ] nest-form
        ] >>init

        { blogs "view-post" } >>template ;

: validate-post ( -- )
        { "title" [ v-one-line ] }
        { "content" [ v-required ] }
    } validate-params ;

: <new-post-action> ( -- action )

            username "author" set-value
        ] >>validate

            f <post>
                dup { "title" "content" } to-object
                username >>author
                now >>date
            [ insert-tuple ] [ entity-url <redirect> ] bi
        ] >>submit

        { blogs "new-post" } >>template

        "make a new blog post" >>description ;

: authorize-author ( author -- )
    username =
    { can-administer-blogs? } have-capabilities? or
    [ "edit a blog post" f login-required ] unless ;

: do-post-action ( -- )
    "id" value <post> select-tuple from-object ;

: <edit-post-action> ( -- action )

        "id" >>rest

        [ do-post-action ] >>init

        [ do-post-action validate-post ] >>validate

        [ "author" value authorize-author ] >>authorize

            "id" value <post>
            dup { "title" "author" "date" "content" } to-object
            [ update-tuple ] [ entity-url <redirect> ] bi
        ] >>submit

        { blogs "edit-post" } >>template

        "edit a blog post" >>description ;

: delete-post ( id -- )
    [ <post> delete-tuples ] [ f <comment> delete-tuples ] bi ;

: <delete-post-action> ( -- action )

        [ do-post-action ] >>validate

        [ "author" value authorize-author ] >>authorize

            [ "id" value delete-post ] with-transaction
            "author" value posts-by-url <redirect>
        ] >>submit

        "delete a blog post" >>description ;

: <delete-author-action> ( -- action )

        [ validate-author ] >>validate

        [ "author" value authorize-author ] >>authorize

                f <post> "author" value >>author select-tuples [ id>> delete-post ] each
                f f <comment> "author" value >>author delete-tuples
            ] with-transaction
            "author" value posts-by-url <redirect>
        ] >>submit

        "delete a blog post" >>description ;

: validate-comment ( -- )
        { "parent" [ v-integer ] }
        { "content" [ v-required ] }
    } validate-params ;

: <new-comment-action> ( -- action )

            username "author" set-value
        ] >>validate

            "parent" value f <comment>
                "content" value >>content
                username >>author
                now >>date
            [ insert-tuple ] [ entity-url <redirect> ] bi
        ] >>submit

        "make a comment" >>description ;

: <delete-comment-action> ( -- action )

            { { "parent" [ v-integer ] } } validate-params
        ] >>validate

            "parent" value <post> select-tuple
            author>> authorize-author
        ] >>authorize

            f "id" value <comment> delete-tuples
            "parent" value view-post-url <redirect>
        ] >>submit

            "delete a comment" >>description ;

: <blogs> ( -- dispatcher )
    blogs new-dispatcher
        <list-posts-action> "" add-responder
        <list-posts-feed-action> "posts.atom" add-responder
        <posts-by-action> "by" add-responder
        <posts-by-feed-action> "by.atom" add-responder
        <view-post-action> "post" add-responder
        <post-feed-action> "post.atom" add-responder
        <new-post-action> "new-post" add-responder
        <edit-post-action> "edit-post" add-responder
        <delete-post-action> "delete-post" add-responder
        <new-comment-action> "new-comment" add-responder
        <delete-comment-action> "delete-comment" add-responder
        { blogs "blogs-common" } >>template ;

: <blogs-responder> ( -- responder )
    blogs new-dispatcher
    <blogs> "blogs" add-responder
    <blogs> >>default ;
: blog-db ( -- db ) "blogs" home prepend-path [ make-directories ] [ "blogs.sqlite" append-path ] bi <sqlite-db> ;
: with-blog-data ( quot -- ) '[ blog-db _ with-db ] call ; inline  
: init-db ( -- )  [ init-furnace-tables 
    entity ensure-table
    \ post ensure-table
    comment ensure-table 
     ] with-blog-data ;
: blog-server ( -- ) "blogs" [ <blogs-responder> 
    blog-db <alloy> 
    main-responder set-global ] with-logging ;
: launch ( -- ) [ 80 httpd ] in-thread ;    

! make sure sqlite dlls in factor folder: sqlite3.exe, .dll, .def
! init-db ! only once needed
! blog-server launch
! browse to localhost:8080/blogs
! look for log in C:\factor\logs\http.server
! look for sqlite in C:\Documents and Settings\you\blogs

! I can see the menu, but can't add a blog - seems to be ssl security problem, but it may help you see how things work.

New Annotation
