Paste: generate ebook from code tree

Author: j
Mode: factor
Date: Tue, 8 Jun 2010 08:22:18
Plain Text |
! (c)2010 Joe Groff bsd license
USING: accessors arrays assocs calendar calendar.format
combinators fry io io.directories io.encodings.utf8 io.files io.files.types io.pathnames kernel locals math
math.parser sequences sorting strings unicode.categories
xml.syntax xml.writer xmode.catalog xmode.marker xmode.tokens ;
IN: codebook

! Usage: "my/source/tree" utf8 "dest" codebook
! Writes tree.opf, tree.ncx, and tree.html to the "dest" directory
! Use kindlegen -unicode dest/tree.opf to compile file for Kindle

CONSTANT: codebook-style
        { COMMENT1 [ [XML <i><font color="#555555"><-></font></i> XML] ] }
        { COMMENT2 [ [XML <i><font color="#555555"><-></font></i> XML] ] }
        { COMMENT3 [ [XML <i><font color="#555555"><-></font></i> XML] ] }
        { COMMENT4 [ [XML <i><font color="#555555"><-></font></i> XML] ] }
        { DIGIT    [ [XML    <font color="#333333"><-></font>     XML] ] }
        { FUNCTION [ [XML <b><font color="#111111"><-></font></b> XML] ] }
        { KEYWORD1 [ [XML <b><font color="#111111"><-></font></b> XML] ] }
        { KEYWORD2 [ [XML <b><font color="#111111"><-></font></b> XML] ] }
        { KEYWORD3 [ [XML <b><font color="#111111"><-></font></b> XML] ] }
        { KEYWORD4 [ [XML <b><font color="#111111"><-></font></b> XML] ] }
        { LABEL    [ [XML <b><font color="#333333"><-></font></b> XML] ] }
        { LITERAL1 [ [XML    <font color="#333333"><-></font>     XML] ] }
        { LITERAL2 [ [XML    <font color="#333333"><-></font>     XML] ] }
        { LITERAL3 [ [XML    <font color="#333333"><-></font>     XML] ] }
        { LITERAL4 [ [XML    <font color="#333333"><-></font>     XML] ] }
        { MARKUP   [ [XML <b><font color="#333333"><-></font></b> XML] ] }
        { OPERATOR [ [XML <b><font color="#111111"><-></font></b> XML] ] }
        [ drop ]

: first-line ( filename encoding -- line )
    [ readln ] with-file-reader ;

: code-files ( dir encoding -- files )
        [ link-info type>> +regular-file+ = ] filter
        [ dup [ ] [ _ first-line ] bi ?find-mode ] { } map>assoc 
        [ nip ] assoc-filter [ first ] sort-with
    ] with-directory-tree-files ;

: anchor-char ( char -- str )
        { [ dup alpha? ] [ 1string ] }
        { [ dup digit? ] [ 1string ] }
        [ >hex 6 CHAR: 0 pad-head "_" "_" surround ]
    } cond ;

: file-anchor-name ( file -- name )
    [ anchor-char ] { } map-as concat ;

: toc-list ( files -- list )
    natural-sort [
        [ file-anchor-name "#" prepend ] [ ] bi
        [XML <li><a href=<->><-></a></li> XML]
    ] map ;

! insert zero-width non-joiner between all characters so words can wrap anywhere
: zwnj ( string -- s|t|r|i|n|g )
    [ CHAR: \u00200c "" 2sequence ] { } map-as concat ;

! We wrap every line in <tt> because Kindle tends to forget the font when
! moving back pages
: htmlize-tokens ( tokens line# -- html-tokens )
    swap [
        [ str>> zwnj ] [ id>> ] bi codebook-style case
    ] map [XML <tt><font size="-2" color="#666666"><-></font> <-></tt> XML]
    "\n" 2array ;

: line#>string ( i line#len -- i-string )
    [ number>string ] [ CHAR: \s pad-head ] bi* ;

! <a name> tags have to go outside header tags or header formatting will be lost
! when using NCX navigation

:: file-page ( file mode encoding -- page )
    "Generating HTML for " write file write "..." print flush
    file encoding file-lines :> lines
    lines length 1 + number>string length :> line#len
    file file-anchor-name :> anchor
    mode load-mode :> rules
    f lines [| l i | l rules tokenize-line i 1 + line#len line#>string htmlize-tokens ]
    map-index concat nip :> html-lines
        <a name=<-anchor->><h2><-file-></h2></a>
        <mbp:pagebreak xmlns:mbp="" />
    XML] ;

:: code>html ( dir name files encoding -- html )
    "Generating HTML" print flush

    now timestamp>rfc822 :> timestamp
    dir absolute-path :> source
    dir [
        files keys toc-list :> toc
        files [ encoding file-page ] { } assoc>map :> pages

        <XML <html>
                <meta http-equiv="Content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
                <a name="toc"><h1><-name-></h1></a>
                <font size="-2">Generated from<br/>
                at <-timestamp-></font><br/>
                <mbp:pagebreak xmlns:mbp="" />
        </html> XML>
    ] with-directory ;

:: code>ncx ( dir name files -- xml )
    "Generating NCX table of contents" print flush
    name ".html" append :> html-name
    html-name "#toc" append :> toc-url

    files keys [| file i |
        file file-anchor-name :> anchor
        i 2 + number>string :> istr
        html-name "#" anchor 3append :> url
        [XML <navPoint class="book" id=<-anchor-> playOrder=<-istr->>
            <content src=<-url-> />
        </navPoint> XML]
    ] map-index :> file-nav-points

    <XML <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
    <ncx version="2005-1" xmlns="">
            <navPoint class="book" id="toc" playOrder="1">
                <navLabel><text>Table of Contents</text></navLabel>
                <content src=<-toc-url-> />
    </ncx> XML> ;
:: code>opf ( dir name -- xml )
    "Generating OPF manifest" print flush
    name ".html" append :> html-name
    html-name "#toc" append :> toc-url
    name ".ncx"  append :> ncx-name

    <XML <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
        <metadata xmlns:dc="">
            <item id=<-name-> href=<-html-name-> media-type="text/html" />
            <item id="toc" href=<-ncx-name-> media-type="application/x-dtbncx+xml" />
        <spine toc="toc">
            <itemref idref=<-name-> />
            <reference type="toc" title="Table of Contents" href=<-toc-url-> />
    </package> XML> ;

: write-dest-file ( xml dest-dir name ext -- )
    append append-path utf8 [ write-xml ] with-file-writer ;

:: codebook ( src-dir encoding dest-dir -- )
    "Generating ebook for " write src-dir write " in " write dest-dir print flush
    src-dir file-name :> name
    src-dir encoding code-files :> files

    src-dir name files encoding code>html
    dest-dir name ".html" write-dest-file

    src-dir name files code>ncx
    dest-dir name ".ncx" write-dest-file

    src-dir name code>opf
    dest-dir name ".opf" write-dest-file
    "Job's finished" print flush ;

Annotation: More scalable

Author: j
Mode: factor
Date: Fri, 11 Jun 2010 01:00:45
Plain Text |
! (c)2010 Joe Groff bsd license
USING: accessors arrays assocs calendar calendar.format
combinators fry io io.directories io.encodings.detect
io.encodings.utf8 io.encodings.binary io.files
io.files.types io.pathnames kernel locals math math.parser
sequences sorting strings unicode.categories xml.syntax
xml.writer xmode.catalog xmode.marker xmode.tokens ;
IN: codebook

! Usage: "my/source/tree" utf8 "dest" codebook
! Writes tree.opf, tree.ncx, and tree.html to the "dest" directory
! Use kindlegen -unicode dest/tree.opf to compile file for Kindle

CONSTANT: codebook-style
        { COMMENT1 [ [XML <i><font color="#555555"><-></font></i> XML] ] }
        { COMMENT2 [ [XML <i><font color="#555555"><-></font></i> XML] ] }
        { COMMENT3 [ [XML <i><font color="#555555"><-></font></i> XML] ] }
        { COMMENT4 [ [XML <i><font color="#555555"><-></font></i> XML] ] }
        { DIGIT    [ [XML    <font color="#333333"><-></font>     XML] ] }
        { FUNCTION [ [XML <b><font color="#111111"><-></font></b> XML] ] }
        { KEYWORD1 [ [XML <b><font color="#111111"><-></font></b> XML] ] }
        { KEYWORD2 [ [XML <b><font color="#111111"><-></font></b> XML] ] }
        { KEYWORD3 [ [XML <b><font color="#111111"><-></font></b> XML] ] }
        { KEYWORD4 [ [XML <b><font color="#111111"><-></font></b> XML] ] }
        { LABEL    [ [XML <b><font color="#333333"><-></font></b> XML] ] }
        { LITERAL1 [ [XML    <font color="#333333"><-></font>     XML] ] }
        { LITERAL2 [ [XML    <font color="#333333"><-></font>     XML] ] }
        { LITERAL3 [ [XML    <font color="#333333"><-></font>     XML] ] }
        { LITERAL4 [ [XML    <font color="#333333"><-></font>     XML] ] }
        { MARKUP   [ [XML <b><font color="#333333"><-></font></b> XML] ] }
        { OPERATOR [ [XML <b><font color="#111111"><-></font></b> XML] ] }
        [ drop ]

: first-line ( filename encoding -- line )
    [ readln ] with-file-reader ;

TUPLE: code-file
    name encoding mode ;

: code-files ( dir -- files )
        [ link-info type>> +regular-file+ = ] filter [
            dup detect-file dup binary?
            [ f ] [ 2dup dupd first-line find-mode ] if
            code-file boa
        ] map [ mode>> ] filter [ name>> ] sort-with
    ] with-directory-tree-files ;

: html-name-char ( char -- str )
        { [ dup alpha? ] [ 1string ] }
        { [ dup digit? ] [ 1string ] }
        [ >hex 6 CHAR: 0 pad-head "_" "_" surround ]
    } cond ;

: file-html-name ( name -- name )
    [ html-name-char ] { } map-as concat ".html" append ;

: toc-list ( files -- list )
    [ name>> ] map natural-sort [
        [ file-html-name ] keep
        [XML <li><a href=<->><-></a></li> XML]
    ] map ;

! insert zero-width non-joiner between all characters so words can wrap anywhere
: zwnj ( string -- s|t|r|i|n|g )
    [ CHAR: \u00200c "" 2sequence ] { } map-as concat ;

! We wrap every line in <tt> because Kindle tends to forget the font when
! moving back pages
: htmlize-tokens ( tokens line# -- html-tokens )
    swap [
        [ str>> zwnj ] [ id>> ] bi codebook-style case
    ] map [XML <tt><font size="-2" color="#666666"><-></font> <-></tt> XML]
    "\n" 2array ;

: line#>string ( i line#len -- i-string )
    [ number>string ] [ CHAR: \s pad-head ] bi* ;

:: code>html ( dir file -- page )
    file name>> :> name
    "Generating HTML for " write name write "..." print flush
    dir [ file [ name>> ] [ encoding>> ] bi file-lines ] with-directory :> lines
    lines length 1 + number>string length :> line#len
    file mode>> load-mode :> rules
    f lines [| l i | l rules tokenize-line i 1 + line#len line#>string htmlize-tokens ]
    map-index concat nip :> html-lines
    <XML <html>
            <meta http-equiv="Content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
            <mbp:pagebreak xmlns:mbp="" />
    </html> XML> ;

:: code>toc-html ( dir name files -- html )
    "Generating HTML table of contents" print flush

    now timestamp>rfc822 :> timestamp
    dir absolute-path :> source
    dir [
        files toc-list :> toc

        <XML <html>
                <meta http-equiv="Content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
                <font size="-2">Generated from<br/>
                at <-timestamp-></font><br/>
                <mbp:pagebreak xmlns:mbp="" />
        </html> XML>
    ] with-directory ;

:: code>ncx ( dir name files -- xml )
    "Generating NCX table of contents" print flush

    files [| file i |
        file name>> :> name
        name file-html-name :> filename
        i 2 + number>string :> istr
        [XML <navPoint class="book" id=<-filename-> playOrder=<-istr->>
            <content src=<-filename-> />
        </navPoint> XML]
    ] map-index :> file-nav-points

    <XML <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
    <ncx version="2005-1" xmlns="">
            <navPoint class="book" id="toc" playOrder="1">
                <navLabel><text>Table of Contents</text></navLabel>
                <content src="_toc.html" />
    </ncx> XML> ;
:: code>opf ( dir name files -- xml )
    "Generating OPF manifest" print flush
    name ".ncx"  append :> ncx-name

    files [
        name>> file-html-name dup
        [XML <item id=<-> href=<-> media-type="text/html" /> XML]
    ] map :> html-manifest

    files [ name>> file-html-name [XML <itemref idref=<-> /> XML] ] map :> html-spine

    <XML <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
        <metadata xmlns:dc="">
            <item id="html-toc" href="_toc.html" media-type="text/html" />
            <item id="toc" href=<-ncx-name-> media-type="application/x-dtbncx+xml" />
        <spine toc="toc">
            <itemref idref="html-toc" />
            <reference type="toc" title="Table of Contents" href="_toc.html" />
    </package> XML> ;

: write-dest-file ( xml dest-dir name ext -- )
    append append-path utf8 [ write-xml ] with-file-writer ;

:: codebook ( src-dir dest-dir -- )
    "Generating ebook for " write src-dir write " in " write dest-dir print flush
    dest-dir make-directories

    src-dir file-name :> name
    src-dir code-files :> files

    src-dir name files code>opf
    dest-dir name ".opf" write-dest-file
    src-dir name files code>ncx
    dest-dir name ".ncx" write-dest-file

    src-dir name files code>toc-html
    dest-dir "_toc.html" "" write-dest-file

    files [| file |
        src-dir file code>html
        dest-dir file name>> file-html-name "" write-dest-file
    ] each

    "Job's finished" print flush ;

Annotation: skip hidden files

Author: j
Mode: factor
Date: Fri, 11 Jun 2010 01:07:22
Plain Text |
! (c)2010 Joe Groff bsd license
USING: accessors arrays assocs calendar calendar.format
combinators combinators.short-circuit fry io io.directories
io.encodings.binary io.encodings.detect io.encodings.utf8
io.files io.files.types io.pathnames kernel
locals math math.parser sequences sorting strings
unicode.categories xml.syntax xml.writer xmode.catalog
xmode.marker xmode.tokens ;
IN: codebook

! Usage: "my/source/tree" utf8 "dest" codebook
! Writes tree.opf, tree.ncx, and tree.html to the "dest" directory
! Use kindlegen -unicode dest/tree.opf to compile file for Kindle

CONSTANT: codebook-style
        { COMMENT1 [ [XML <i><font color="#555555"><-></font></i> XML] ] }
        { COMMENT2 [ [XML <i><font color="#555555"><-></font></i> XML] ] }
        { COMMENT3 [ [XML <i><font color="#555555"><-></font></i> XML] ] }
        { COMMENT4 [ [XML <i><font color="#555555"><-></font></i> XML] ] }
        { DIGIT    [ [XML    <font color="#333333"><-></font>     XML] ] }
        { FUNCTION [ [XML <b><font color="#111111"><-></font></b> XML] ] }
        { KEYWORD1 [ [XML <b><font color="#111111"><-></font></b> XML] ] }
        { KEYWORD2 [ [XML <b><font color="#111111"><-></font></b> XML] ] }
        { KEYWORD3 [ [XML <b><font color="#111111"><-></font></b> XML] ] }
        { KEYWORD4 [ [XML <b><font color="#111111"><-></font></b> XML] ] }
        { LABEL    [ [XML <b><font color="#333333"><-></font></b> XML] ] }
        { LITERAL1 [ [XML    <font color="#333333"><-></font>     XML] ] }
        { LITERAL2 [ [XML    <font color="#333333"><-></font>     XML] ] }
        { LITERAL3 [ [XML    <font color="#333333"><-></font>     XML] ] }
        { LITERAL4 [ [XML    <font color="#333333"><-></font>     XML] ] }
        { MARKUP   [ [XML <b><font color="#333333"><-></font></b> XML] ] }
        { OPERATOR [ [XML <b><font color="#111111"><-></font></b> XML] ] }
        [ drop ]

: first-line ( filename encoding -- line )
    [ readln ] with-file-reader ;

TUPLE: code-file
    name encoding mode ;

: include-file-name? ( name -- ? )
        [ path-components [ "." head? ] any? not ] 
        [ link-info type>> +regular-file+ = ]
    } 1&& ;

: code-files ( dir -- files )
        [ include-file-name? ] filter [
            dup detect-file dup binary?
            [ f ] [ 2dup dupd first-line find-mode ] if
            code-file boa
        ] map [ mode>> ] filter [ name>> ] sort-with
    ] with-directory-tree-files ;

: html-name-char ( char -- str )
        { [ dup alpha? ] [ 1string ] }
        { [ dup digit? ] [ 1string ] }
        [ >hex 6 CHAR: 0 pad-head "_" "_" surround ]
    } cond ;

: file-html-name ( name -- name )
    [ html-name-char ] { } map-as concat ".html" append ;

: toc-list ( files -- list )
    [ name>> ] map natural-sort [
        [ file-html-name ] keep
        [XML <li><a href=<->><-></a></li> XML]
    ] map ;

! insert zero-width non-joiner between all characters so words can wrap anywhere
: zwnj ( string -- s|t|r|i|n|g )
    [ CHAR: \u00200c "" 2sequence ] { } map-as concat ;

! We wrap every line in <tt> because Kindle tends to forget the font when
! moving back pages
: htmlize-tokens ( tokens line# -- html-tokens )
    swap [
        [ str>> zwnj ] [ id>> ] bi codebook-style case
    ] map [XML <tt><font size="-2" color="#666666"><-></font> <-></tt> XML]
    "\n" 2array ;

: line#>string ( i line#len -- i-string )
    [ number>string ] [ CHAR: \s pad-head ] bi* ;

:: code>html ( dir file -- page )
    file name>> :> name
    "Generating HTML for " write name write "..." print flush
    dir [ file [ name>> ] [ encoding>> ] bi file-lines ] with-directory :> lines
    lines length 1 + number>string length :> line#len
    file mode>> load-mode :> rules
    f lines [| l i | l rules tokenize-line i 1 + line#len line#>string htmlize-tokens ]
    map-index concat nip :> html-lines
    <XML <html>
            <meta http-equiv="Content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
            <mbp:pagebreak xmlns:mbp="" />
    </html> XML> ;

:: code>toc-html ( dir name files -- html )
    "Generating HTML table of contents" print flush

    now timestamp>rfc822 :> timestamp
    dir absolute-path :> source
    dir [
        files toc-list :> toc

        <XML <html>
                <meta http-equiv="Content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
                <font size="-2">Generated from<br/>
                at <-timestamp-></font><br/>
                <mbp:pagebreak xmlns:mbp="" />
        </html> XML>
    ] with-directory ;

:: code>ncx ( dir name files -- xml )
    "Generating NCX table of contents" print flush

    files [| file i |
        file name>> :> name
        name file-html-name :> filename
        i 2 + number>string :> istr
        [XML <navPoint class="book" id=<-filename-> playOrder=<-istr->>
            <content src=<-filename-> />
        </navPoint> XML]
    ] map-index :> file-nav-points

    <XML <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
    <ncx version="2005-1" xmlns="">
            <navPoint class="book" id="toc" playOrder="1">
                <navLabel><text>Table of Contents</text></navLabel>
                <content src="_toc.html" />
    </ncx> XML> ;
:: code>opf ( dir name files -- xml )
    "Generating OPF manifest" print flush
    name ".ncx"  append :> ncx-name

    files [
        name>> file-html-name dup
        [XML <item id=<-> href=<-> media-type="text/html" /> XML]
    ] map :> html-manifest

    files [ name>> file-html-name [XML <itemref idref=<-> /> XML] ] map :> html-spine

    <XML <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
        <metadata xmlns:dc="">
            <item id="html-toc" href="_toc.html" media-type="text/html" />
            <item id="toc" href=<-ncx-name-> media-type="application/x-dtbncx+xml" />
        <spine toc="toc">
            <itemref idref="html-toc" />
            <reference type="toc" title="Table of Contents" href="_toc.html" />
    </package> XML> ;

: write-dest-file ( xml dest-dir name ext -- )
    append append-path utf8 [ write-xml ] with-file-writer ;

:: codebook ( src-dir dest-dir -- )
    "Generating ebook for " write src-dir write " in " write dest-dir print flush
    dest-dir make-directories

    src-dir file-name :> name
    src-dir code-files :> files

    src-dir name files code>opf
    dest-dir name ".opf" write-dest-file
    src-dir name files code>ncx
    dest-dir name ".ncx" write-dest-file

    src-dir name files code>toc-html
    dest-dir "_toc.html" "" write-dest-file

    files [| file |
        src-dir file code>html
        dest-dir file name>> file-html-name "" write-dest-file
    ] each

    "Job's finished" print flush ;

New Annotation
