Paste: fluids error

Author: ceninan
Mode: text
Date: Mon, 12 Apr 2010 20:43:46
Plain Text |
An error occurred while drawing the world T{ fluids-world f ~array~ ~array~ f f f ~array~ f t t f f....
This world has been deactivated to prevent cascading errors.
Memory protection fault at address a7c8698

Annotation: traceback

Author: ceninan
Mode: text
Date: Mon, 12 Apr 2010 20:56:03
Plain Text |
(U) Quotation: [ set-namestack init-catchstack self quot>> call -> stop ]
(O) Word: update-ui-loop
(O) Word: update-ui
(O) Word: redraw-worlds
(O) Word: draw-world
(O) Method: M\ fluids-world draw-world*
(O) Word: gaussian-blur
(O) Word: blur
(O) Word: (blur)
(O) Word: glDrawArrays
(U) Quotation: [
        63 special-object error-thread set-global
        continuation -> error-continuation set-global rethrow

New Annotation
