Paste: odbc lib
Author: | Jim Mack |
Mode: | factor |
Date: | Wed, 10 Mar 2010 16:09:52 |
Plain Text |
USING: accessors kernel sequences vectors
alien alien.strings alien.syntax alien.c-types alien.libraries present
combinators strings namespaces make locals
words math threads io.encodings.ascii nested-comments
odbc.ffi ;
IN: odbc.lib
: alloc-handle ( type parent -- handle )
f <void*> [ SQLAllocHandle ] keep swap succeeded? [
] [
drop f
] if ;
: alloc-env-handle ( -- handle )
: alloc-dbc-handle ( env -- handle )
SQL-HANDLE-DBC swap alloc-handle ;
: alloc-stmt-handle ( dbc -- handle )
SQL-HANDLE-STMT swap alloc-handle ;
: temp-string ( length -- byte-array length )
[ CHAR: \s <string> ascii string>alien ] keep ;
: odbc-init ( -- env )
succeeded? [ "odbc-init failed" throw ] unless
] keep ;
: odbc-connect ( env dsn -- dbc )
[ alloc-dbc-handle dup ] dip
f swap dup length 1024 temp-string 0 <short> SQL-DRIVER-NOPROMPT
SQLDriverConnect succeeded? [ "odbc-connect failed" throw ] unless ;
: odbc-disconnect ( dbc -- )
SQLDisconnect succeeded? [ "odbc-disconnect failed" throw ] unless ;
: odbc-prepare ( dbc string -- statement )
[ alloc-stmt-handle dup ] dip dup length SQLPrepare succeeded? [ "odbc-prepare failed" throw ] unless ;
: odbc-free-statement ( statement -- )
SQL-HANDLE-STMT swap SQLFreeHandle succeeded? [ "odbc-free-statement failed" throw ] unless ;
: odbc-execute ( statement -- )
SQLExecute succeeded? [ "odbc-execute failed" throw ] unless ;
: odbc-next-row ( statement -- bool )
SQLFetch succeeded? ;
: odbc-number-of-columns ( statement -- number )
0 <short> [ SQLNumResultCols succeeded? ] keep swap [
] [
drop f
] if ;
TUPLE: column nullable digits size type name number ;
C: <column> column
:: odbc-describe-column ( stmnt col-nth -- col )
1024 CHAR: \s <string> ascii string>alien dup :> col-name
0 <short>
0 <short> dup :> col-type
0 <uint> dup :> col-size
0 <short> dup :> col-digits
0 <short> dup :> col-nullable
SQLDescribeCol succeeded?
col-nullable *short
col-digits *short
col-size *uint
col-type *short convert-sql-type
col-name ascii alien>string
col-nth <column>
"odbc-describe-column failed" throw
if ;
: dereference-type-pointer ( byte-array column -- object )
type>> {
{ SQL-LONGVARCHAR [ ascii alien>string ] }
{ SQL-WCHAR [ ascii alien>string ] }
{ SQL-WCHARVAR [ ascii alien>string ] }
{ SQL-WLONGCHARVAR [ ascii alien>string ] }
{ SQL-SMALLINT [ *short ] }
{ SQL-REAL [ *float ] }
{ SQL-FLOAT [ *double ] }
{ SQL-DOUBLE [ *double ] }
{ SQL-TINYINT [ *char ] }
{ SQL-BIGINT [ *longlong ] }
{ SQL-INTEGER [ *long ] }
{ SQL-VARCHAR [ ascii alien>string ] }
{ SQL-CHAR [ ascii alien>string ] }
{ SQL-TYPE-TIMESTAMP [ *double ] }
{ SQL-NUMERIC [ ascii alien>string ] }
{ SQL-BINARY [ *longlong ] }
{ SQL-DECIMAL [ ascii alien>string ] }
{ SQL-MONEY [ ascii alien>string ] }
[ nip [ "Unknown SQL Type: " % name>> % ] "" make ]
} case ;
TUPLE: field value column ;
C: <field> field
SYMBOL: first-row
SYMBOL: columns
:: odbc-get-field ( statement column -- field )
statement column dup column? [ dupd odbc-describe-column ] unless
dup :> num1 number>>
8192 CHAR: \s <string> ascii string>alien dup :> num2
f SQLGetData succeeded?
[ num2 num1 [ dereference-type-pointer ] keep <field>
[ f num1 <field>
if ;
: odbc-get-row-fields ( statement -- seq )
dup odbc-number-of-columns iota [
?1+ odbc-get-field value>> ,
] with each
] { } make ;
: odbc-get-columns ( statement -- colAry )
[ dup odbc-number-of-columns iota
[ ?1+ odbc-get-field [ columns get push ] [ value>> , ] bi
] with each
] { } make ;
: (odbc-get-all-columns) ( statement -- )
dup odbc-next-row
[ dup first-row get
[ odbc-get-columns f first-row set ]
[ odbc-get-row-fields ]
, yield (odbc-get-all-columns) ]
[ drop ] if ;
: odbc-get-all-columns ( statement -- seq )
t first-row set
[ (odbc-get-all-columns) ] { } make ;
: (odbc-get-all-rows) ( statement -- )
dup odbc-next-row [ dup odbc-get-row-fields , yield (odbc-get-all-rows) ] [ drop ] if ;
: odbc-get-all-rows ( statement -- seq )
[ (odbc-get-all-rows) ] [ ] make ;
New Annotation