%tchukaruma.m bins = input('Please enter the number of bins, excluding the ruma.'); %stones = input('Please enter the number of stones in each bin.'); state=[stones*ones(1,bins) 0 ]; for i=1:bins i state(i)=input('how many in this hole?'); end gamestate=1; while(gamestate && ~min(state(1:bins)==zeros(1,bins))) state move = input('Please enter bin you would like to move (1 is leftmost bin).'); while(move>bins || state(move)==0) move=input('You cannot move stones in the ruma or from an emtpy bin, please select another bin.'); end while(move~=(bins+1) && state(move)~=0 && gamestate==1) moving = state(move); state(move)=0; for i=1:moving if(move==bins+1) move=1; else move=move+1; end if((i==moving && state(move)==0) && move~=bins+1) %% && i=bins+1 ?? gamestate=0; end state(move)=state(move)+1; %state end end end if(gamestate==1) fprintf('!!YOU WIN!!\n') else fprintf('YOU LOSE :(\n') end