USING: accessors kernel locals math math.order namespaces processing.shapes sequences threads ui ui.gadgets ui.gestures ui.render ; IN: pong-basic ! The original: ! In shoes: ! What's up with all the locals? ! ! This is a pretty extreme style. Definately not what one would call ! 'idiomatic Factor'. ! ! However, it's an experiment: ! ! Can one do a straitforward port of Ruby and Python code to Factor? ! ! Can one port graphics demo code from systems like Shoes ! and NodeBox? ! ! The refreshing thing about alot of NodeBox code is that it's written ! in a very "experimental" style. It looks like somebody started ! playing around with some small idea and kept tweaking it and it grew ! into something else. ! ! Getting all the factors and abstractions correct up front is one way ! to design and implement code. But it's also nice to have a language ! which allows you to just hack something out without having to get ! everything "right" up front. ! ! Classical Factor idioms are made for extreme factoring and producing ! small clean abstractions. But those idioms aren't (yet?) always the ! easiest to work with when you're exploring some new ideas. ! ! Sketching out new ideas (especially by beginners) is what systems ! like NodeBox and Processing excel at. I'm always on the lookout for ! ways to bridge the powertool world of Factor with the fluffy world ! of those great systems. ! ! That said, a version of the below in pure idiomatic Factor is ! welcome. In fact, if you're new to Factor and wanting to learn, this ! is a good exercise. ! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! : mouse-x ( -- x ) hand-loc get first ; ! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! TUPLE: < gadget draw closed ; M: pref-dim* ( -- dim ) drop { 400 400 } ; M: draw-gadget* ( -- ) draw>> call ; M: ungraft* ( -- ) t >>closed drop ; ! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! : play-pong ( -- ) [let | PONG [ new-gadget ] | PONG [let | WIDTH [ 400 ] HEIGHT [ 400 ] BALL-DIAMETER [ 20 ] PADDLE-SIZE [ 75 ] VX! [ 3 ] ! BALL VELOCITY VY! [ 4 ] PX! [ 50 ] ! BALL POSITION PY! [ 50 ] BOUNCE [ 1.2 ] COMPUTER! [ 200 ] COMPSPEED! [ 10 ] PLAYER! [ f ] MAX-VELOCITY [ 10 ] | [ -50 PY < PY HEIGHT 50 + < and [ mouse-x 0 max WIDTH PADDLE-SIZE - min PLAYER! PX VX + PX! PY VY + PY! COMPUTER PADDLE-SIZE + PX < [ COMPUTER COMPSPEED + COMPUTER! ] when PX COMPUTER < [ COMPUTER COMPSPEED - COMPUTER! ] when ! check if player blocked ball HEIGHT PY < 0 VY < PLAYER PX < PX PLAYER PADDLE-SIZE + < and and and [ VY neg BOUNCE * MAX-VELOCITY min VY! ! reverse vertical velocity PX PLAYER PADDLE-SIZE 2 / + - 0.25 * VX! ! reverse horizontal velocity HEIGHT PY! ] when ! check if computer blocked ball PY 0 < VY 0 < COMPUTER PX < PX COMPUTER PADDLE-SIZE + < and and and [ VY neg BOUNCE * MAX-VELOCITY min VY! ! reverse vertical velocity PX COMPUTER PADDLE-SIZE 2 / + - 0.25 * VX! ! reverse horizontal velocity 0 PY! ] when ! bounce off walls PX 0 < WIDTH PX < or [ VX neg VX! ] when ! draw paddles COMPUTER 0 PADDLE-SIZE 4 rectangle* PLAYER HEIGHT 4 - PADDLE-SIZE 4 rectangle* { PX PY } BALL-DIAMETER circle ] when ] ] >>draw drop PONG "test" open-window [ [ PONG closed>> [ f ] [ PONG relayout-1 25 sleep t ] if ] loop ] in-thread ] ;