; Common linux definitions ; System call interrupt number %define LINUX_SYSCALL 0x80 ; Standard file descriptors %define STDIN 0 %define STDOUT 1 %define STDERR 2 ; Common status codes %define EOF 0 %define NULL 0 ; Socket definitions %define SOCK_STREAM 1 %define AF_INET 2 ; Define some macros llalala %macro exit 1 mov eax, 1 mov ebx, %1 int LINUX_SYSCALL %endmacro %macro prologue 1 push ebp mov ebp, esp sub esp, %1 %endmacro %macro epilogue 0 mov esp, ebp pop ebp %endmacro section .data nick db "APieSM", 0 ident db "Testyooo", 0 realname db "OMGWTFBBQ", 0 parameter db " 8 * :", 0 server_address db "monkeyserv.hopto.org", 0 server_ipaddress db "", 0 %define PORT 6667 error_no_such_host db "Error: No such host", 0 error_open_socket db "Error opening socket", 0 error_connect db "Error connecting to host", 0 error_writeto_socket db "Could not write to socket", 0 error_read db "Error reading from socket", 0 ping_str db "PING", 0 pong_sp_str db "PONG ", 0 privmsg_str db "PRIVMSG", 0 quit_str db "QUIT", 0 whoami_str db ":!whoami", 0 say_str db ":!say", 0 cmd_str db ":!cmd", 0 login_str db ":!login", 0 load_str db ":!load", 0 unload_str db ":!unload", 0 privmsg_sp_str db "PRIVMSG ", 0 sp_colon_str db " :", 0 you_str db "You are ", 0 ident_str db " (Ident: ", 0 hostname_str db " -- Hostname: ", 0 para_str db ")", 0xD, 0xA, 0 newline db 0xD, 0xA, 0 space db 0x20, 0 nick_cmd db "NICK ", 0 user_cmd db "USER ", 0 format db "%d", 0xA, 0 formatc db "%s", 0xA, 0 formatec db "Error: %s", 0xA, 0 tokens db ":!@", 0 username db "peacey", 0 password db "testy", 0 host1 db ":peacey!peacey@dxb-as78510.alshamil.net.ae", 0 host_list dd host1, 0 parse_secondary_array dd parse_secondary_ping, parse_secondary_privmsg, parse_secondary_privmsg_ll_ptr, 0 parse_secondary_privmsg_array dd parse_secondary_privmsg_whoami, parse_secondary_privmsg_say, parse_secondary_privmsg_cmd, parse_secondary_privmsg_load, parse_secondary_privmsg_unload, 0 ; /* struct *handle { ; void *funcptr ; char *string ; } */ section .bss li resd 1 parse_secondary_privmsg_ll_ptr resd 1 section .text global _start _start: call main exit 0 main: ; Main funcion! ; Let's define some local variables ya? good, sexy! ; ###Socket Information### %define sockfd [ebp-4] %define server_ptr [ebp-8] %define serv_addr_struct [ebp-24] ; size of struct sockaddr_in -> 16 %define temp [ebp-28] %define buffer [ebp-1056] ; buffer[1028] %define buffer_ptr [ebp-1060] ; ###End socket information### prologue 1060 ; setup GSLIST parse_secondary_privmsg_ll mov dword [parse_secondary_privmsg_ll_ptr], 0 push server_address call gethostbyname mov server_ptr, eax ; Move return variable cmp dword server_ptr, 0 jne .nsh_continue ; If it's not equal then coninue and dont exit okay! push error_no_such_host call exit_with_error ; else exit .nsh_continue: ; continue ; setup socket lea eax, sockfd ; eax = &sockfd push 0 push SOCK_STREAM push AF_INET push dword eax call setup_socket add esp, 16 ; on return sockfd is the socket fd ; setup sockaddr struct lea eax, serv_addr_struct push PORT push AF_INET push dword server_ptr push eax call setup_sockaddr_struct add esp, 16 ; try to connect lea eax, serv_addr_struct ; eax = &serv_addr_struct push 16 push eax push dword sockfd call connect cmp eax, 0 jge .con_continue ; jump to continue if we have connected fine yeeeeey! woooo! push error_connect call exit_with_error ; else exit with an error :< WHYYYYYY ALLAH WHYY! .con_continue: ; Now that we've connected send the NICK command push NULL push newline push nick push nick_cmd call g_strconcat add esp, 16 mov temp, eax push dword temp push dword sockfd call write_to add esp, 8 push dword temp call free ; aaf caarse we have to free temp so we can reuse it! add esp, 4 ; Now now we send the USER command push NULL push newline push realname push parameter push ident push user_cmd call g_strconcat add esp, 24 mov temp, eax push dword temp push dword sockfd call write_to add esp, 8 push dword temp call free ; and fwee it again! add esp, 4 lea eax, buffer mov buffer_ptr, eax .while_loop: ; now we enter teh sexy while(1) loop ; now we read what the irc server is giving us push 1024 push dword buffer_ptr push dword sockfd call read add esp, 12 cmp eax, 0 jge .r_continue ; if it read greater than or equal to continue the loop push error_read call exit_with_error ; else exit with an error .r_continue: ; now we call the intial parse function push dword sockfd push dword buffer_ptr call parse_initial add esp, 8 jmp .while_loop epilogue ret ; ## END main function ## ; ## setup_socket function ## ; void setup_socket(int *socketfd, int domain, int type, int protocol) ; setup_socket: %define socketfd [ebp+8] %define domain [ebp+12] %define type [ebp+16] %define protocol [ebp+20] prologue 0 push dword protocol push dword type push dword domain call socket ; call socket(domain, type, protocol) add esp, 12 mov ebx, socketfd ; move it here so we can dereference socketfd mov [ebx], eax ; move return variable to *socketfd cmp dword [ebx], 0 jge .ss_continue ; If its greater than or equal to 0 then continue push error_open_socket ; else spit out an erroor and exit! call exit_with_error add esp, 4 .ss_continue: epilogue ret ; return from function ; ##END setup_socket## ; ## setup_sockaddr_struct function ## ; void setup_sockaddr_struct(struct sockaddr_in *serv_addr, struct hostent *server_ip, int domain_type, int port) ; setup_sockaddr_struct: %define serv_addr [ebp+8] %define server_ip [ebp+12] %define domain_type [ebp+16] %define port [ebp+20] ; sockaddr_in structure offsets %define sin_family 0 %define sin_port 2 %define sin_addr 4 ; hostent structure offsets %define h_addr_list 16 prologue 0 mov eax, serv_addr ; move it to eax so we can dereference it mov ebx, domain_type mov dword [eax+sin_family], ebx ; serv_addr->sin_family = domain; push dword port call htons mov ebx, serv_addr mov [ebx+sin_port], eax ; serv_addr->sin_port = htons(port) ; push dword server_ipaddress ; call inet_addr ; mov ebx, serv_addr ; mov dword [ebx+sin_addr], eax ; i dont know what the ~censored~ im doing so ; ; im not sure if thisll work or not ^.^ mov eax, server_ip push dword [eax] ; *server_ip == the hostname call strlen add esp, 4 mov edx, eax ; edx = strlen(hostname) mov eax, server_ip mov ebx, [eax+h_addr_list] ; [ebx] = server_address->h_addr ... i think mov eax, serv_addr lea eax, [eax+sin_addr] push 4 push dword [ebx] push dword eax call memcpy add esp, 12 ; again dont ask me, i just tried it and it worked! ; Fricking finally now we can return! epilogue ret ; ## END setup_sockaddr_struct ## ; ## write_to function ## ; void write_to(int sockfd, char *msg) ; write_to: %define sockfd [ebp+8] %define msg [ebp+12] prologue 0 ; Get the messages string length push dword msg call strlen push eax push dword msg push dword sockfd call write add esp, 12 cmp eax, 0 jge .wts_continue ; if its gretaer than or equal to 0 then jump to return push error_writeto_socket call exit_with_error ; else exit with an error .wts_continue: epilogue ret ; ##END write_to function## ; ## parse_initial function ## ; void parse_initial(char *buffer) ; parse_initial: %define buffer_ptr [ebp+8] %define sockfd [ebp+12] ; local variables %define bsplit_line [ebp-4] ; char **bsplit_line %define bsplit_line_len [ebp-8] %define bsplit [ebp-12] ; char **bsplit %define bsplit_len [ebp-16] prologue 16 ; now that we're here, we have a buffer filled with 1024 bytes ; of what the irc server sent us! yeeeey! push dword buffer_ptr push formatc call printf ; Now for the formatting of zeh buffer! ; First we split into lines push -1 push dword newline push dword buffer_ptr call g_strsplit add esp, 12 mov bsplit_line, eax push dword bsplit_line call g_strv_length add esp, 4 mov bsplit_line_len, eax ; nows for the for loop xor edx, edx .for_loop: push edx ; save edx register cmp edx, bsplit_line_len jge near .fl_continue ; jump to end of loop if edx >= bsplit_line_len ; now we split the split string at the spaces mov eax, bsplit_line lea eax, [eax+edx*4] push -1 push space push dword [eax] call g_strsplit add esp, 12 mov bsplit, eax ; now we find bsplit's len push dword bsplit call g_strv_length add esp, 4 mov bsplit_len, eax cmp dword bsplit_len, 0 jle .eo_bl0 ; just to make sure the array isnt empty ; start of if (bsplit_len > 0) cmp dword bsplit_len, 1 jle .eo_bl1 ; start of if (bsplit_len > 1) push dword sockfd push dword bsplit_len push dword bsplit call parse_secondary add esp, 12 .eo_bl1: ; end of if (bsplit_len > 1) .eo_bl0: ; end of if (bsplit_len > 0) push dword bsplit call g_strfreev add esp, 4 ; free bsplit pop edx ; restore edx register inc edx .fl_continue: ; end of for loop so we have to free some stuff push dword bsplit_line call g_strfreev add esp, 4 ; free bsplit_line push 1028 push dword buffer_ptr call bzero add esp, 8 ; zero out buffer epilogue ; now return from the function ret ; ##END parse_initial## ; ## parse_secondary function ## ; void parse_secondary(char **bsplit, , int bsplit_len, sockfd) ; parse_secondary: %define bsplit [ebp+8] %define bsplit_len [ebp+12] %define sockfd [ebp+16] %define ebx_temp [ebp-4] %define ecx_temp [ebp-8] %define eax_temp [ebp-12] %define next 4 prologue 12 push dword sockfd push dword bsplit_len push dword bsplit mov ebx, parse_secondary_array xor ecx, ecx .start_secondary_call_loop: lea eax, [ebx+ecx*4] mov eax_temp, eax mov ebx_temp, ebx mov ecx_temp, ecx ; pusha ; push dword ecx ; push format ; call printf ; add esp, 8 ; popa cmp dword [eax], parse_secondary_privmsg_ll_ptr jne .end_iterating_ll .start_iterating_ll: lea eax, [parse_secondary_privmsg_ll_ptr-4] ; subtract address by -4 so we can start at 0 later mov [li], dword eax .start_loop: mov eax, [li] lea ebx, [eax+next] mov ecx, [ebx] cmp dword ecx, 0 je .end_loop mov [li], ecx mov edx, [ecx] call [edx] cmp eax, 1 je .end_secondary_call_loop jmp .start_loop .end_loop: mov eax, eax_temp mov ebx, ebx_temp mov ecx, ecx_temp inc ecx jmp .start_secondary_call_loop .end_iterating_ll: mov eax, eax_temp mov ebx, ebx_temp mov ecx, ecx_temp cmp dword [eax], 0 je .end_secondary_call_loop ; jump to the end of the loop if we found a NULL value mov ebx_temp, ebx mov ecx_temp, ecx call dword [eax] cmp eax, 1 je .end_secondary_call_loop ; if return value is 1 then no needyyeeh to run anymore functions mov ebx, ebx_temp mov ecx, ecx_temp inc ecx jmp .start_secondary_call_loop .end_secondary_call_loop: ; now we continue after each function was called add esp, 12 epilogue ret ; ##END parse_secondary## ; ## parse_secondary_ping function ## ; void parse_secondary_ping(char **bsplit, int bsplit_len, int sockfd) ; parse_secondary_ping: %define bsplit [ebp+8] %define bsplit_len [ebp+12] %define sockfd [ebp+16] prologue 0 mov eax, bsplit lea eax, [eax+0] push dword ping_str push dword [eax] call strcmp add esp, 8 cmp eax, 0 jne .eoif_ping mov eax, bsplit lea eax, [eax+4] push NULL push newline push dword [eax] push pong_sp_str call g_strconcat add esp, 16 push eax push dword sockfd call write_to add esp, 8 mov eax, 1 jmp .eof ; return that the function has executed fully .eoif_ping: ; end of if edx == 0 mov eax, 0 ; ; return that the function has not executed fully .eof: epilogue ret ; ##END parse_secondary_ping## ; ## parse_secondary_privmsg function ## ; void parse_secondary_privmsg(char **bsplit, int bsplit_len, int sockfd) ; parse_secondary_privmsg: %define bsplit [ebp+8] %define bsplit_len [ebp+12] %define sockfd [ebp+16] %define fuhost [ebp-4] ; char **fuhost %define unick [ebp-8] %define uident [ebp-12] %define uhostname [ebp-16] %define ebx_temp [ebp-20] %define ecx_temp [ebp-24] prologue 24 mov eax, bsplit lea eax, [eax+4] push dword privmsg_str push dword [eax] call strcmp add esp, 8 ; compare bsplit[1] == "PRIVMSG" cmp eax, 0 jne near .eoif_privmsg ; if not equal jump to the end of the function ; else continue processing ; check if full host is in hardcoded hosts array xor ecx, ecx mov ebx, bsplit lea ebx, [ebx] mov edi, host_list .validate_loop_start: lea esi, [edi+ecx*4] cmp dword [esi], 0 je near .eoif_validate_privmsg ; if its equal jump to end of if host is in list - not the validate loop push ecx ; save ecx register push dword [esi] push dword [ebx] call strcmp add esp, 8 cmp eax, 0 je .validate_loop_end ; if its equal jump to end of loop and continue processing pop ecx ; restore ecx register inc ecx jmp .validate_loop_start .validate_loop_end: ; /*else continue processing ; :x!y@z.com ; fuhost[0] = space ; fuhost[1] = x -- nick ; fuhost[2] = y -- ident ; */fuhost[3] = z.com -- hostname ; set up fuhost and its relevant variables yeeeey mov eax, bsplit lea eax, [eax+0] push -1 push tokens push dword [eax] ; bsplit[0] call g_strsplit_set add esp, 12 mov fuhost, eax mov ecx, fuhost lea eax, [ecx+1*4] mov ebx, [eax] mov unick, ebx lea eax, [ecx+2*4] mov ebx, [eax] mov uident, ebx lea eax, [ecx+3*4] mov ebx, [eax] mov uhostname, ebx push dword sockfd push dword uhostname push dword uident push dword unick push dword bsplit_len push dword bsplit mov ebx, parse_secondary_privmsg_array xor ecx, ecx .start_privmsg_call_loop: lea eax, [ebx+ecx*4] cmp dword [eax], 0 je .end_privmsg_call_loop ; jump to the end of the loop if we found a NULL value mov ebx_temp, ebx mov ecx_temp, ecx call dword [eax] cmp eax, 1 je .end_privmsg_call_loop_success ; if return value is 1 then no needyyeeh to run anymore functions mov ebx, ebx_temp mov ecx, ecx_temp inc ecx jmp .start_privmsg_call_loop .end_privmsg_call_loop: ;now we continue after each function was called add esp, 24 push dword fuhost call g_strfreev add esp, 4 ; free fuhost weeeee~ jmp .eoif_privmsg ; jump so that we return 0 since no functions executed successfully .end_privmsg_call_loop_success: ;now we continue after each function was called add esp, 24 push dword fuhost call g_strfreev add esp, 4 ; free fuhost weeeee~ .eoif_validate_privmsg: mov eax, 1 jmp .eof ; return that the function has executed fully .eoif_privmsg: ; return from the function mov eax, 0 ; return that the function has not executed fully .eof: epilogue ret ; ##END parse_secondary_privmsg## ; ## parse_secondary_privmsg_whoami function ## ; int parse_secondary_privmsg_whoami(char **bsplit, int bsplit_len, char *unick, char *uident, char *uhostname, int sockfd) ; parse_secondary_privmsg_whoami: %define bsplit [ebp+8] %define bsplit_len [ebp+12] %define unick [ebp+16] %define uident [ebp+20] %define uhostname [ebp+24] %define sockfd [ebp+28] %define temp [ebp-4] prologue 4 cmp dword bsplit_len, 3 jle near .eoif_len_whoami ; if bsplit_len <= 3 jump to te end ; else compare bsplit to :!whoami mov eax, bsplit lea eax, [eax+3*4] push dword whoami_str push dword [eax] call strcmp add esp, 8 ; compare bsplit[1] == ":!whoami" cmp eax, 0 jne .eoif_cmp_privmsg ; if not equal jump to the end of the function ; else continue processing mov eax, bsplit lea eax, [eax+2*4] push NULL push para_str push dword uhostname push hostname_str push dword uident push ident_str push dword unick push you_str push sp_colon_str push dword [eax] push privmsg_sp_str call g_strconcat add esp, 44 mov temp, eax push dword temp push dword sockfd call write_to add esp, 8 push dword temp call free add esp, 4 mov eax, 1 jmp .eof ; return that the function has executed fully .eoif_cmp_privmsg: ; continue here .eoif_len_whoami: mov eax, 0 ; ; return that the function has no executed fully .eof: epilogue ret ; ##END parse_secondary_privmsg_whoami## ; ##parse_secondary_privmsg_say function## ; int parse_secondary_privmsg_say(char **bsplit, int bsplit_len, char *unick, char *uident, char *uhostname, int sockfd) ; parse_secondary_privmsg_say: %define bsplit [ebp+8] %define bsplit_len [ebp+12] %define unick [ebp+16] %define uident [ebp+20] %define uhostname [ebp+24] %define sockfd [ebp+28] %define temp [ebp-4] prologue 4 cmp dword bsplit_len, 4 jle near .eoif_len_say ; if bsplit_len <= 4 jump to the end ; else compare bsplit to :!say mov eax, bsplit lea eax, [eax+3*4] push dword say_str push dword [eax] call strcmp add esp, 8 ; compare bsplit[3] == ":!say" cmp eax, 0 jne .eoif_cmp_say ; if not equal jump to the end of the function ; else continue processing push 4 push dword bsplit_len push dword bsplit push space call strjoinv_from add esp, 16 mov temp, eax mov eax, bsplit lea eax, [eax+2*4] push NULL push newline push dword temp push sp_colon_str push dword [eax] push privmsg_sp_str call g_strconcat add esp, 24 push eax push dword sockfd call write_to add esp, 8 push dword temp call free add esp, 4 mov eax, 1 jmp .eof ; return that the function has executed fully .eoif_cmp_say: ; continue here .eoif_len_say: mov eax, 0 ; return that the function has not executed fully .eof: epilogue ret ; ##END parse_secondary_privmsg_say## ; ## parse_secondary_privmsg_cmd function ## ; int parse_secondary_privmsg_cmd(char **bsplit, int bsplit_len, char *unick, char *uident, char *uhostname, int sockfd) ; parse_secondary_privmsg_cmd: %define bsplit [ebp+8] %define bsplit_len [ebp+12] %define unick [ebp+16] %define uident [ebp+20] %define uhostname [ebp+24] %define sockfd [ebp+28] prologue 0 cmp dword bsplit_len, 4 jle near .eoif_len_cmd ; if bsplit_len <= 4 jump to the end ; else compare bsplit to :!cmd mov eax, bsplit lea eax, [eax+3*4] push dword cmd_str push dword [eax] call strcmp add esp, 8 ; compare bsplit[3] == ":!cmd" cmp eax, 0 jne .eoif_cmp_cmd ; if not equal jump to the end of the function ; else continue processing push 4 push dword bsplit_len push dword bsplit push space call strjoinv_from add esp, 16 push NULL push newline push eax call g_strconcat add esp, 12 push eax push dword sockfd call write_to add esp, 8 ; Now check if bsplit[4] == QUIT ; if soes we need to close zeh socket! mov eax, bsplit lea eax, [eax+4*4] push quit_str push dword [eax] call g_ascii_strcasecmp add esp, 8 cmp eax, 0 jne .eoif_strcasecmp_cmd ; if its not equal to zegho jump to end of if lea eax, sockfd push eax call close_and_quit .eoif_strcasecmp_cmd: mov eax, 1 ; executed function fully jmp .eof .eoif_cmp_cmd: .eoif_len_cmd: mov eax, 0 ; did not execute function fully .eof: epilogue ret ; ##END parse_secondary_privmsg_cmd## ; ## parse_secondary_privmsg_login function ## ; int parse_secondary_privmsg_login(char **bsplit, int bsplit_len, char *unick, char *uident, char *uhostname, int sockfd) ; parse_secondary_privmsg_login: %define bsplit [ebp+8] %define bsplit_len [ebp+12] %define unick [ebp+16] %define uident [ebp+20] %define uhostname [ebp+24] %define sockfd [ebp+28] %define ufull [ebp-4] prologue 4 cmp dword bsplit_len, 5 jle near .eoif_len_login ; if bsplit_len <= 5 jump to the end ; else compare bsplit to :!login mov eax, bsplit lea eax, [eax+3*4] push dword login_str push dword [eax] call strcmp add esp, 8 ; compare bsplit[3] == ":!login" cmp eax, 0 jne .eoif_cmp_login ; if not equal jump to the end of the function ; else continue processing mov eax, bsplit lea eax, [eax+0] mov ebx, [eax] mov dword ufull, ebx ; store the users full thingy :!x@y.z mov eax, bsplit lea eax, [eax+4*4] push username push dword [eax] call strcmp add esp, 8 mov ebx, eax push ebx mov eax, bsplit lea eax, [eax+5*4] push password push dword [eax] call strcmp add esp, 8 pop ebx or ebx, eax cmp ebx, 0 jne .eoif_validate_login ; if its not equal jump to end of if ; else continue ; add the host to the host list .eoif_validate_login: mov eax, 1 jmp .eof .eoif_cmp_login: .eoif_len_login: mov eax, 0 .eof: epilogue ret ; ##parse_secondary_privmsg_load function## ; int parse_secondary_privmsg_load(char **bsplit, int bsplit_len, char *unick, char *uident, char *uhostname, int sockfd) ; parse_secondary_privmsg_load: %define bsplit [ebp+8] %define bsplit_len [ebp+12] %define unick [ebp+16] %define uident [ebp+20] %define uhostname [ebp+24] %define sockfd [ebp+28] %define dlhandle [ebp-4] %define funcptr [ebp-8] %define handle [ebp-12] %define sohandle 8 ; size of struct handle prologue 12 cmp dword bsplit_len, 5 jle near .eoif_len_load ; if bsplit_len <= 5 jump to the end ; else compare bsplit to :!load mov eax, bsplit lea eax, [eax+3*4] push dword load_str push dword [eax] call strcmp add esp, 8 ; compare bsplit[3] == ":!load" cmp eax, 0 jne near .eoif_cmp_load ; if not equal jump to the end of the function ; else continue processing .start_iterating_ll: lea eax, [parse_secondary_privmsg_ll_ptr-4] ; subtract address by -4 so we can start at 0 later mov [li], dword eax ; Check if symbol is already loaded .start_loop: mov eax, [li] lea ebx, [eax+4] mov ecx, [ebx] cmp dword ecx, 0 je .end_loop mov [li], ecx mov edx, [ecx] mov eax, bsplit lea eax, [eax+4*5] push dword [edx+4] push dword [eax] call strcmp add esp, 8 cmp eax, 0 je near .successful_exec jmp .start_loop .end_loop: ; mov eax, bsplit ; lea eax, [eax+4*4] ; push dword [eax] ; push formatc ; call printf ; add esp, 8 mov eax, bsplit lea eax, [eax+4*4] push dword 1 push dword [eax] call dlopen add esp, 8 mov dword dlhandle, eax ; put the result into dlhandle cmp dword dlhandle, 0 ; comapre it to null je near .eoif_dlhandle ; locate the symbol mov eax, bsplit lea eax, [eax+4*5] push dword [eax] push dword dlhandle call dlsym add esp, 8 cmp eax, 0 ; compare return value with null je near .eoif_dlhandle mov funcptr, eax ; else move it to the right place push dword sohandle call g_malloc add esp, 4 mov handle, eax ; allocate enough space for the handle struct mov eax, handle mov ebx, funcptr mov dword [eax], ebx mov ebx, bsplit lea ebx, [ebx+4*5] mov ecx, [ebx] push ecx call g_strdup add esp, 4 mov ebx, eax mov eax, handle mov dword [eax+4], ebx push dword handle push dword [parse_secondary_privmsg_ll_ptr] call g_slist_append add esp, 8 mov [parse_secondary_privmsg_ll_ptr], eax ; return value is new start of list .successful_exec: mov eax, 1 ; executed function fully jmp .eof .eoif_dlhandle: call dlerror push eax push formatc call printf add esp, 8 .eoif_cmp_load: .eoif_len_load: mov eax, 0 .eof: epilogue ret ; ##END parse_secondary_privmsg_load## ; ##parse_secondary_privmsgun_load function## ; int parse_secondary_privmsg_unload(char **bsplit, int bsplit_len, char *unick, char *uident, char *uhostname, int sockfd) ; parse_secondary_privmsg_unload: %define bsplit [ebp+8] %define bsplit_len [ebp+12] %define unick [ebp+16] %define uident [ebp+20] %define uhostname [ebp+24] %define sockfd [ebp+28] prologue 0 cmp dword bsplit_len, 4 jle near .eoif_len_unload ; if bsplit_len <= 4 jump to the end ; else compare bsplit to :!load mov eax, bsplit lea eax, [eax+3*4] push dword unload_str push dword [eax] call strcmp add esp, 8 ; compare bsplit[3] == ":!unload" cmp eax, 0 jne near .eoif_cmp_unload ; if not equal jump to the end of the function ; else continue processing .start_iterating_ll: lea eax, [parse_secondary_privmsg_ll_ptr-4] ; subtract address by -4 so we can start at 0 later mov [li], dword eax .start_loop: mov eax, [li] lea ebx, [eax+4] mov ecx, [ebx] cmp dword ecx, 0 je .end_loop mov [li], ecx mov edx, [ecx] mov eax, bsplit lea eax, [eax+4*4] push dword [edx+4] push dword [eax] call strcmp add esp, 8 cmp eax, 0 ; check if strings are equal, and if not continue iterating jne .continue_iterating ; else remove the handle from the list ; first free previously allocated pointer and string: name mov ecx, [li] mov edx, [ecx] push dword edx call g_free pop edx push dword [edx+4] call g_free add esp, 4 ; now remove the handle from the list mov ecx, [li] push dword [ecx] push dword [parse_secondary_privmsg_ll_ptr] call g_slist_remove add esp, 8 mov [parse_secondary_privmsg_ll_ptr], eax ; return value is new start of list jmp .end_loop ; jump to the end since we finished removing the handle .continue_iterating: jmp .start_loop .end_loop: .end_iterating_ll: mov eax, 1 ; executed function fully jmp .eof .eoif_dlhandle: call dlerror push eax push formatc call printf add esp, 8 .eoif_cmp_unload: .eoif_len_unload: mov eax, 0 .eof: epilogue ret ; ##END parse_secondary_privmsg_unload## ; ##strjoinv_from function## ; char *strjoinv_from(char *delimeter, char **array, int array_len, int from) ; strjoinv_from: %define delimeter [ebp+8] %define array [ebp+12] %define array_len [ebp+16] %define from [ebp+20] %define new_str [ebp-4] %define tmp [ebp-8] prologue 8 mov eax, array mov ebx, from lea eax, [eax+ebx*4] push NULL push dword [eax] call g_strconcat add esp, 8 mov new_str, eax inc dword from .forl_start: mov eax, array_len cmp dword from, eax jge .forl_end ; if greater than or equal to then jump to end of for loop mov eax, new_str ; else continue mov tmp, eax mov eax, array mov ebx, from lea eax, [eax+ebx*4] push NULL push dword [eax] push dword new_str push space call g_strjoin add esp, 16 mov new_str, eax push dword tmp call free add esp, 4 inc dword from jmp .forl_start .forl_end: mov eax, dword new_str epilogue ret ; ##END strjoinv_from## ; ## close_and_quit function ## ; void close_and_quit(int *sockfd) ; close_and_quit: %define sockfd [esp+4] mov eax, sockfd push dword [eax] call close add esp, 4 exit 0 ; ##END close_and_quit## ; ## exit_with_error function ## ; void exit_with_error(char *error_message) ; exit_with_error: %define error_message [esp+4] push dword error_message call perror exit 0 ; ##END exit_with_error##