USING: accessors arrays assocs calendar combinators destructors fry io io.binary io.encodings.binary io.encodings.string io.encodings.utf8 io.sockets io.sockets.private io.streams.byte-array io.timeouts kernel math.parser namespaces pack prettyprint random sequences splitting tools.hexdump urls.encoding ; IN: magnet-uris CONSTANT: SIMPSONS-URI "xt=urn:btih:1eda58a2ec8bc7edc776aaf8e66895d20d2e99cb&dn=The.Simpsons.S26E22.HDTV.x264-LOL%5Bettv%5D&" CONSTANT: LAST-WEEK-TONIGHT-URI "magnet:?xt=urn:btih:102c2cf6849162f99aaad217363895cebeab82ef&dn=Last+Week+Tonight+With+John+Oliver+S03E01+720p+HDTV+x264-BATV+%5Beztv%5D&" TUPLE: announce-response action transaction-id interval leechers seeders peeps ; : parse-announce-response ( byte-array -- obj ) [ announce-response new ] dip binary [ 4 read be> >>action 4 read be> >>transaction-id 4 read be> >>interval 4 read be> >>leechers 4 read be> >>seeders dup seeders>> [ 4 read [ number>string ] { } map-as "." join 2 read be> 2array ] { } replicate-as [ { "" 0 } = ] trim-tail >>peeps "leftover: " print contents hexdump. ] with-byte-reader ; ERROR: unsupported-uri string ; ERROR: bad-host ; : uri>inet4 ( string -- inet4 ) "udp://" ?head [ ":" split1 "/" split1 drop [ resolve-host [ bad-host ] [ [ ipv4? ] filter random host>> ] if-empty ] [ string>number ] bi* ] [ unsupported-uri ] if ; ERROR: can't-parse-magnet-hash assoc ; : magnet>hash ( assoc -- hash ) { { [ dup "xt" of ] [ "xt" of ":" split last ] } { [ dup "magnet:?xt" of ] [ "magnet:?xt" of ":" split last ] } [ can't-parse-magnet-hash ] } cond ; SYMBOL: magnet-assoc SYMBOL: magnet-hash : query-udp-tracker ( magnet-uri -- inet4 datagram data hash ) query>assoc magnet-assoc set magnet-assoc get "tr" of random uri>inet4 ! "" resolve-host random host>> 6969 [ 3 seconds over set-timeout ! Connect request 0x41727101980 0 32 random-bits 3array dup . "QII" pack-be 2over send ! read dup receive drop "IIQ" unpack-be third ! "QII20c20cQQQIIIISS" [ binary ] dip '[ _ 8 >be write 1 4 >be write ! 1 = announce 4 random-bytes write ! "1eda58a2ec8bc7edc776aaf8e66895d20d2e99cb" hex> 20 >be write ! magnet-assoc get "xt" of ":" split last hex> 20 >be write magnet-assoc get magnet>hash hex> 20 >be dup magnet-hash set-global write "M4-20-8" 20 0 pad-tail utf8 encode write 0 8 >be write ! downloaded 0 8 >be write ! left 0 8 >be write ! uploaded 0 4 >be write ! event 0,1,2,3; none,completed,started,stopped 0 4 >be write ! ip, 0 for default 4 random-bytes write ! unique random key -1 4 >be write ! num_want -1 default dup addr>> port>> 2 >be write ! 0 2 >be write ] with-byte-writer 2over send dup receive drop dup hexdump. parse-announce-response magnet-hash get-global ] with-random-local-datagram ; : tcp0 ( inet4 hash -- obj ) [ binary ] dip '[ binary [ "BitTorrent protocol" [ length write1 ] [ utf8 encode write ] bi B{ 0 0 0 0 0 10 0 05 } write ! B{ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 } write _ write "It's me, MarkJuggler" utf8 encode write ] with-byte-writer write flush 4 read be> read ! 49 read ! 1000 read-partial ] with-client ;