! Windows 64 is sluggish on this computer, so that helps trigger the bug [ init-catchstack dup 2 setenv slip -> wait-to-return ] [ >r call -> r> ] [ swap >c call -> c> drop ] [ 4dup handle-wm-keydown -> DefWindowProc ] [ 2 load-locals 1 get-local keystroke>gesture 2 get-local window-focus send-gesture -> 2 drop-locals drop ] [ [ dupd handle-gesture ] each-parent -> nip ] [ iterate-step -> roll [ iterate-next (all-integers?) ] [ 3drop f ] if ] [ swap >r 2dup 2slip -> r> swap ] [ >r >r call -> r> r> ] [ call -> f ] [ [ >r >r >r string-lines r> ~quotation~ 2keep r> r> ~quotation~ change-model ] keep -> update-locs ] [ >r call -> r> ] [ ((change-model)) -> set-model ] [ over >r >r value>> r> call -> r> ] [ >r call -> r> ] (set-doc-range) prepare-insert slice-error throw [ 63 getenv error-thread set-global continuation -> error-continuation set-global rethrow ] ! DATASTACK ALIEN: 4129086 256 8 917505 T{ key-down f f "BACKSPACE" } { 0 8 } { "" } { 0 8 } V{ "renderto" } 9 8 "renderto" T{ slice-error f "start > end" } ! RETAINSTACK T{ callback-context } ALIEN: 4129086 8 6 [ ~array~ nth-unsafe dupd handle-gesture ] 0 T{ document f ~vector~ ~vector~ ~vector~ 2 f ~vector~ } T{ document f ~vector~ ~vector~ ~vector~ 2 f ~vector~ } V{ "renderto" } V{ "renderto" } { 0 9 } { 0 8 }