Error in print-error! Error in print-error! Error in thread 182 (UI update, [ self ui-thread set-global update-ui-loop ]): The word dummy-cairo cannot be executed because it failed to compile Unbalanced branches [ drop ~quotation~ dip set-global ] ( -- object object object ) [ 2nip object>> ] ( -- object ) [ call -> stop ] update-ui-loop open-world-window pref-dim M\ track pref-dim* track-pref-dims-1 pref-dims pref-dim M\ track pref-dim* track-pref-dims-1 pref-dims pref-dim M\ border pref-dim* pref-dim M\ pack pref-dim* pref-dims pref-dim M\ border pref-dim* pref-dim M\ pango-renderer string-dim cached-layout not-compiled M\ object throw [ 63 getenv error-thread set-global continuation -> error-continuation set-global rethrow ] linux x86_64