Paste: silly benchmark in ocaml

Author: abez
Mode: ml
Date: Fri, 28 Aug 2009 23:05:01
Plain Text |
(* done functionally, array mutation not used *)
(* speed on my machine 6.5 seconds for ocaml 3.10.2
   8.9 seconds for Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.6.0_12-b04)
   Didn't try factor

type point = Point of float * float * float

let makePoint n =
	let fn = float_of_int n in
	let x = sin fn in
	let y = 3.0 *. cos fn in
	let z = 
		let s = sin fn in
		s *. s /. 2.0

let toString (Point(x,y,z)) =
	(string_of_float x) ^ "," ^ 
		(string_of_float y) ^ "," ^ 
		(string_of_float z)

let makePoints n = Array.init n makePoint ;;

let pointNorm (Point(x,y,z)) = x *. x +. y *. y +. z *. z  ;;

let normalizePoint (Point(x,y,z) as pt) =
	let norm = pointNorm pt in
	Point( x /. norm, y /. norm, z /. norm)

let normalizePoints arr = normalizePoint arr ;;

let maxPoint (Point(x,y,z) as pt1) (Point(x2,y2,z2) as pt2) =
	Point((max x x2), (max y y2), (max z z2))

(* could throw an exception here but I don't care enough *)
let maxPoints arr = 
	Array.fold_left (fun max curr -> maxPoint max curr) arr.(0) arr

let benchmark n = 
	print_endline (toString (maxPoints (normalizePoints (makePoints n))))

let runBenchmark () = 
	(*  Gc.compact (); *)
        (* there is a GC lameness which makes consecutive runs slower, use time instead *)
	(* for n = 1 to 8 do *)
		print_string "Run #";
		print_endline (string_of_int n);
		let t1 = Sys.time () in
		benchmark 5000000;
		let t2 = Sys.time () in
		print_endline ("Time: " ^ (string_of_float (t2 -. t1)));
	(* done; *)


New Annotation
