Paste: printf

Author: mrjbq7
Mode: factor
Date: Wed, 17 Sep 2008 04:26:11
Plain Text |
! Copyright (C) 2008 John Benediktsson
! See for BSD license

USING: io io.encodings.ascii io.files 
kernel sequences strings vectors math math.parser macros
fry peg.ebnf arrays prettyprint quotations ;

IN: printf


: compose-all ( seq -- quot )
    [ ] [ compose ] reduce ;

: write-all ( seq -- quot )
    [ [ write ] append ] map ;

: append-all ( seq -- string )
    SBUF" " [ dip swap append ] reduce ;

: apply-format ( params quot -- params string )
    [ dup pop ] dip call ; 

: fix-neg ( string -- string )
    dup CHAR: 0 swap index 0 = 
      [ dup CHAR: - swap index dup 
        [ swap remove-nth "-" prepend ] 
        [ drop ] if ] when ;

: >digits ( string -- digits ) 
    dup length 0 > [ >string string>number ] [ drop 0 ] if ;

: zero-pad ( string digits -- string ) 
    swap dup
    CHAR: . swap index rot + 1+
    dup rot swap
    CHAR: 0 pad-right 
    swap head-slice ;

: >exponential ( n -- base exp ) 
    [ swap dup [ 10.0 > ] keep 1.0 < or ] 
    [ dup 10.0 > 
      [ 10.0 / [ 1+ ] dip swap ] 
      [ 10.0 * [ 1- ] dip swap ] if
    ] [ swap ] while 
    [ number>string ] dip 
    dup abs number>string 2 CHAR: 0 pad-left
    [ 0 < [ "-" ] [ "+" ] if ] dip append
    "e" prepend ; 


EBNF: parse-format-string

plain-text = (!("%").)+          => [[ >string 1quotation ]]

percents  =  "%"                 => [[ '[ "%" ] ]]

pad-zero  = "0"                  => [[ CHAR: 0 ]] 
pad-char  = "'" (.)              => [[ second ]] 
pad-char_ = (pad-zero|pad-char)? => [[ CHAR: \s or 1quotation ]]
pad-align = ("-")?               => [[ [ [ pad-right ] ] [ [ pad-left ] ] if ]] 
pad-width = ([0-9])*             => [[ >digits 1quotation ]]
pad       = (pad-align) (pad-char_) (pad-width) => [[ reverse compose-all ]]

width     = "." ([0-9])*         => [[ second >digits '[ _ head-slice ] ]]
width_    = (width)?             => [[ [ ] or ]] 

digits    = "." ([0-9])*         => [[ second >digits '[ _ zero-pad ] ]]
digits_   = (digits)?            => [[ [ ] or ]]

fmt-c     = "c"                  => [[ [ 1string ] ]]
fmt-C     = "C"                  => [[ [ 1string >upper ] ]]
chars     = (fmt-c|fmt-C)        => [[ '[ _ apply-format ] ]]

fmt-s     = "s"                  => [[ [ ] ]]
fmt-S     = "S"                  => [[ [ >upper ] ]]
strings   = (pad) (width_) (fmt-s|fmt-S) => [[ reverse compose-all '[ _ apply-format ] ]]

fmt-d     = "d"                  => [[ [ >fixnum number>string ] ]]
decimals  = fmt-d

fmt-e     = "e"                  => [[ [ >exponential ] ]]
fmt-E     = "E"                  => [[ [ >exponential >upper ] ]]
exps      = (digits_) (fmt-e|fmt-E) => [[ reverse [ swap ] join [ swap append ] append ]] 

fmt-f     = "f"                  => [[ [ >float number>string ] ]] 
floats    = (digits_) (fmt-f)    => [[ reverse compose-all ]]

fmt-x     = "x"                  => [[ [ >hex ] ]]
fmt-X     = "X"                  => [[ [ >hex >upper ] ]]
hex       = fmt-x | fmt-X

numbers   = (pad) (decimals|floats|hex|exps) => [[ reverse compose-all [ fix-neg ] append '[ _ apply-format ] ]]

formats   = "%" (chars|strings|numbers|percents) => [[ second ]]

text      = (formats|plain-text)*


MACRO: printf ( format-string -- )
      '[ reverse >vector _ write-all compose-all call drop ] ;

MACRO: sprintf ( format-string -- )
      '[ reverse >vector _ append-all >string swap drop ] ;

MACRO: fprintf ( format-string -- )
      '[ reverse >vector _ write-all compose-all rot ascii [ call ] with-file-appender drop ] ; 

Annotation: printf tests

Author: mrjbq7
Mode: factor
Date: Wed, 17 Sep 2008 04:26:25
Plain Text |
! Copyright (C) 2008 John Benediktsson
! See for BSD license

USING: kernel printf tools.test ;

[ t ] [ "10" [ { 10 } "%d" sprintf ] call = ] unit-test

[ t ] [ "123.456" [ { 123.456 } "%f" sprintf ] call = ] unit-test

[ t ] [ "123.10" [ { 123.1 } "%01.2f" sprintf ] call = ] unit-test

[ t ] [ "1.2345" [ { 1.23456789 } "%.4f" sprintf ] call = ] unit-test

[ t ] [ "  1.23" [ { 1.23456789 } "%6.2f" sprintf ] call = ] unit-test

[ t ] [ "1.234e+08" [ { 123400000 } "%e" sprintf ] call = ] unit-test

[ t ] [ "1.234567e+08" [ { 123456700 } "%e" sprintf ] call = ] unit-test

[ t ] [ "3.625e+08" [ { 362525200 } "%.3e" sprintf ] call = ] unit-test

[ t ] [ "2.5e-03" [ { 0.0025 } "%e" sprintf ] call = ] unit-test

[ t ] [ "2.5E-03" [ { 0.0025 } "%E" sprintf ] call = ] unit-test

[ t ] [ "ff" [ { HEX: ff } "%x" sprintf ] call = ] unit-test

[ t ] [ "FF" [ { HEX: ff } "%X" sprintf ] call = ] unit-test

[ t ] [ "0f" [ { HEX: f } "%02x" sprintf ] call = ] unit-test

[ t ] [ "0F" [ { HEX: f } "%02X" sprintf ] call = ] unit-test

[ t ] [ "2008-09-10" 
      [ { 2008 9 10 } "%04d-%02d-%02d" sprintf ] call = ] unit-test

[ t ] [ "Hello, World!" 
      [ { "Hello, World!" } "%s" sprintf ] call = ] unit-test

[ t ] [ "printf test" 
      [ { } "printf test" sprintf ] call = ] unit-test

[ t ] [ "char a = 'a'"
      [ { CHAR: a } "char %c = 'a'" sprintf ] call = ] unit-test

[ t ] [ "00" [ { HEX: 0 } "%02x" sprintf ] call = ] unit-test

[ t ] [ "ff" [ { HEX: ff } "%02x" sprintf ] call = ] unit-test

[ t ] [ "0 message(s)"
      [ { 0 "message" } "%d %s(s)%" sprintf ] call = ] unit-test

[ t ] [ "0 message(s) with %"
      [ { 0 "message" } "%d %s(s) with %%" sprintf ] call = ] unit-test

[ t ] [ "justif: \"left      \""
      [ { "left" } "justif: \"%-10s\"" sprintf ] call = ] unit-test

[ t ] [ "justif: \"     right\""
      [ { "right" } "justif: \"%10s\"" sprintf ] call = ] unit-test

[ t ] [ " 3: 0003 zero padded" 
      [ { 3 } " 3: %04d zero padded" sprintf ] call = ] unit-test

[ t ] [ " 3: 3    left justif" 
      [ { 3 } " 3: %-4d left justif" sprintf ] call = ] unit-test

[ t ] [ " 3:    3 right justif" 
      [ { 3 } " 3: %4d right justif" sprintf ] call = ] unit-test

[ t ] [ " -3: -003 zero padded"
      [ { -3 } " -3: %04d zero padded" sprintf ] call = ] unit-test

[ t ] [ " -3: -3   left justif"
      [ { -3 } " -3: %-4d left justif" sprintf ] call = ] unit-test

[ t ] [ " -3:   -3 right justif"
      [ { -3 } " -3: %4d right justif" sprintf ] call = ] unit-test

[ t ] [ "There are 10 monkeys in the kitchen" 
      [ { 10 "kitchen" } "There are %d monkeys in the %s" sprintf ] call = ] unit-test

[ f ] [ "%d" [ { 10 } "%d" sprintf ] call = ] unit-test

[ t ] [ "[monkey]" [ { "monkey" } "[%s]" sprintf ] call = ] unit-test
[ t ] [ "[    monkey]" [ { "monkey" } "[%10s]" sprintf ] call = ] unit-test
[ t ] [ "[monkey    ]" [ { "monkey" } "[%-10s]" sprintf ] call = ] unit-test
[ t ] [ "[0000monkey]" [ { "monkey" } "[%010s]" sprintf ] call = ] unit-test
[ t ] [ "[####monkey]" [ { "monkey" } "[%'#10s]" sprintf ] call = ] unit-test
[ t ] [ "[many monke]" [ { "many monkeys" } "[%10.10s]" sprintf ] call = ] unit-test

New Annotation
