Error while trying to load definition for system rfc2388 from pathname /home/kenanb/.lisp/quicklisp/dists/quicklisp/software/rfc2388-20120107-http/rfc2388.asd: decoding error on stream # (:EXTERNAL-FORMAT :ASCII): the octet sequence (196) cannot be decoded. [Condition of type ASDF:LOAD-SYSTEM-DEFINITION-ERROR] Restarts: 0: [ATTEMPT-RESYNC] Attempt to resync the stream at a character boundary and continue. 1: [FORCE-END-OF-FILE] Force an end of file. 2: [INPUT-REPLACEMENT] Use string as replacement input, attempt to resync at a character boundary and continue. 3: [ABORT] Abort loading file "/home/kenanb/.lisp/quicklisp/dists/quicklisp/software/rfc2388-20120107-http/rfc2388.asd". 4: [REINITIALIZE-SOURCE-REGISTRY-AND-RETRY] Retry finding system rfc2388 after reinitializing the source-registry. 5: [ABORT] Give up on "cl-twitter" --more-- Backtrace: 0: ((FLET #:LAMBDA1986 :IN ASDF::LOAD-SYSDEF) #) 1: (SIGNAL #) 2: (ERROR ..) 3: (SB-INT:STREAM-DECODING-ERROR # (196)) 4: (SB-IMPL::STREAM-DECODING-ERROR-AND-HANDLE # 1) 5: (SB-IMPL::FD-STREAM-READ-N-CHARACTERS/ASCII ..) 6: (SB-INT:FAST-READ-CHAR-REFILL # T NIL) 7: (SB-IMPL::READ-STRING # #\") 8: (SB-IMPL::READ-MAYBE-NOTHING # #\") 9: (SB-IMPL::READ-LIST # #) 10: (SB-IMPL::%READ-PRESERVING-WHITESPACE ..) 11: (SB-IMPL::%READ-PRESERVING-WHITESPACE ..) 12: (SB-C::READ-FOR-COMPILE-FILE # 1615) 13: (SB-INT:LOAD-AS-SOURCE # :VERBOSE NIL :PRINT NIL :CONTEXT "loading") 14: ((FLET SB-FASL::LOAD-STREAM :IN LOAD) # NIL) 15: (LOAD #P"/home/kenanb/.lisp/quicklisp/dists/quicklisp/software/rfc2388-20120107-http/rfc2388.asd" :VERBOSE NIL :PRINT NIL :IF-DOES-NOT-EXIST T :EXTERNAL-FORMAT :DEFAULT) 16: ((LAMBDA () :IN ASDF::LOAD-SYSDEF)) 17: ((LAMBDA () :IN ASDF:FIND-SYSTEM)) 18: ((SB-PCL::FAST-METHOD ASDF:FIND-COMPONENT (STRING T)) # # "rfc2388" NIL) 19: (ASDF::RESOLVE-DEPENDENCY-NAME # :RFC2388 NIL) --more--