casey@yaoguai:~/factor$ /home/casey/factor/factor -i=factor.image Error in thread 23 (UI update, [ self ui-thread set-global update-ui-loop ]): An error occurred while drawing the world T{ world f ~array~ ~array~ f f ~vector~ ~array~ ~debugger~ t t.... This world has been deactivated to prevent cascading errors. gl-error function f code 1280 string "Invalid enumerant" (U) Quotation: [ set-namestack init-catchstack self quot>> call -> stop ] (O) Word: update-ui-loop (O) Word: update-ui (O) Word: redraw-worlds (O) Word: draw-world (O) Word: (gl-error) (O) Method: M\ object throw (U) Quotation: [ 63 special-object error-thread set-global continuation -> error-continuation set-global [ original-error set-global ] [ rethrow ] bi ]