USING: accessors timers audio audio.engine audio.loader calendar destructors io kernel locals math math.functions math.ranges specialized-arrays sequences random math.vectors fry ; FROM: alien.c-types => short ; SPECIALIZED-ARRAY: short IN: music TUPLE: noise-generator { offset initial: 0 } { hertz initial: 440 } { rate initial: 8000 } ; M: noise-generator generator-audio-format drop 1 16 8000 ; M:: noise-generator generate-audio ( generator -- c-ptr size ) generator rate>> iota 3.1415926 generator rate>> generator hertz>> / / 2 * '[ _ * sin 4096 * ] short-array{ } map-as generator generator rate>> generator hertz>> mod >>offset nip 8000 ; M: noise-generator dispose drop ; :: audio-test ( -- ) 0 :> i! f 4 :> engine engine start-audio* engine T{ audio-source f { 0.0 0.0 0.0 } 1.0 { 0.0 0.0 0.0 } f } noise-generator new 440 >>hertz 8000 >>rate 0 >>offset 2 play-streaming-audio-clip :> noise-clip [ noise-clip source>> drop engine update-audio ] 20 milliseconds every :> timer "Press Enter to stop the test." print readln drop timer stop-timer engine dispose ;