package parser; import; public class Test { static final String source1 = "@string{ x = \"bar\" }\n" + "Fucking Comment\n" + "@ Book{abramowitz+stegun, \n" + " author = \"Milton {Abramowitz} and Irene A. {Stegun}\",\n" + " title = \"Handbook of Mathematical Functions with\n" + " Formulas, Graphs, and Mathematical Tables\",\n" + " publisher = \"Dover\",\n" + " year = 1964,\n" + " year = 1965,\n" + " address = \"New York\" # x,\n" + " edition = \"ninth Dover printing, tenth GPO printing\"\n" + "}\n"; public static void main(String[] args) { StringReader reader = new StringReader(source1); Parser parser = new Parser(reader); System.out.print(parser); } }